Simpsons Maris Otter?

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Jun 23, 2013
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been using bairds maris otter great stuff, in the past
just got 2 bags o this this arty
wondering if its the same better???

Funnily enough i drove past a sign in a field yesterday advertising this saying woodfordes is going to brew with it.
I have just finished a sack of simpsons Golden promise and very nice to. I have used Bairds from WHS and would never use it again. I went on a brewery tour and the head brewer offered to sell me malt but it was Bairds so I had to decline the offer.I like Fawcetts .Simpsons and Warminster.Also Maris Otter is very forgiving and easy to use.
what didn't you like about Bairds ?

I mainly ue Crisp Maris Otter
A lot of people complain of poor efficiency with Bairds, I have never used it so can't comment.

Frustratingly they have a branch about half a mile from me but will only sell me minimum of a ton :shock:
I use Golden Promise exclusively now. I just like its flavour better than all of the other Maris Otters I have tried. Is there a difference between Golden Promise and Simpsons Maris Otter? I've never seen Simpson's Maris Otter.
Bairds in my opinion was not crushed as well as other malt. The effiency from the mash was very poor with many online bad reports. Some people where using more grain to make up for low quality. as homebrewers we are only a tiny customer , maybe they think they can give us what they dont want for the big boys.
Why did WHS stop using Bairds and change to Crisps malt. I expect a mild reply on that one. Brewing all grain is to much work and effort to have rubbish base ingreients to spoil my beer.
Happy Brewing
phettebs said:
I use Golden Promise exclusively now. I just like its flavour better than all of the other Maris Otters I have tried. Is there a difference between Golden Promise and Simpsons Maris Otter? I've never seen Simpson's Maris Otter.

Golden Promise and Maris Otter are different varieties of Barley and will taste subtly different (Maris Otter is often said to give a 'honeyed' taste). Golden Promise is usually/allways grown organically. There are quite afew other varieties grown for pale malt (Flaggon, Optic etc) but Maris Otter and Golden Promise are perhaps the ones most widely available for home brewers.

Simpsons is the maltster, not the variety. There probably is a difference between different maltsters' versions of the same variety but I'd imagine this is less than the difference between varieties.

Re : crushing, I don't think you can blame this on the maltster (Bairds). They will likely supply the grain whole and it will be the retailer who does the crushing for homebrewers. Commercial breweries would do their own crushing.
Dr Mike said:
Simpsons is the maltster, not the variety. There probably is a difference between different maltsters' versions of the same variety but I'd imagine this is less than the difference between varieties.

Thanks for the info DM. I knew Simpsons was the maltster. I had just never seen them offer Maris Otter, at least here in the States. Over here, Simpsons=Golden Promise. They threw me for a loop with this crazy Maris Otter talk!

Never used simpsons or bairds but i was always put off by bairds because of the bad efficiency reports, but most micros I have visited seem to use it. :wha: :wha:
Maybe there is a 'trick' to grinding it which Micros have got but not HB retailers ?
joe1002 said:
A lot of people complain of poor efficiency with Bairds, I have never used it so can't comment.

Frustratingly they have a branch about half a mile from me but will only sell me minimum of a ton :shock:
I get 80-85% efficiency with Bairds, but I do mash over night so that might make a difference.
evanvine said:
The big efficiency booster is "Fly sparging"!
fly spargings great like keeping control o a steam engine

not done nowt else but

i havent tried the simpsons yet its to be opened

seems the answer is no difference from baird's

maybe its milled better don't know till i open it
just wondered why me local brewery uses it?
phettebs said:
Store crush is notoriously bad for efficiency. Mine jumped from 58% to 82% when I started crushing my own.

+1, same for me. Much finer crush, as fine as my setup allows it, up to 50% flour.

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