Sorry another citra recipe question

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Active Member
Feb 19, 2015
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So I'm brewing on Saturday and have come up with the following (p.s hoppy is good). If anybody could have a quick look and give any advice as I've never tried brewing without copying a recipe from a book:electric:

Brewlength (aiming for 21-22 L into fermenter

Grain bill
MO 4.2kg
Crystal 200g
Caramalt 60L 50g
Torrified wheat 400g

Mash 66 degs 90 mins

Boil 90 mins
Tinseth (IBU) 70


Citra (14.6) 20g 90mins
Cascade (7.3)15g 90 mins
Citra 15 g 15 mins
Cascade 15 g 15mins
Citra 15 g 5 mins
Cascade 15g 5 mins
Citra (Dry hop) 20g

US05 yeast 14 days

OG 1.047
FG 1.011
ABV 4.5%

If any further info is required please ask Ive tried to include everything I think is important

Thanks in advance, more than happy to alter things if the recipe looks like it wont work
Personally I wouldn't use citra or cascade as a bittering hop. I use challenger or chinook.
I would add the citra and cascade bittering hops to the end of the boil.
Even with what I have said above it looks good....
You need to get some magnum for a nice clean buttering the **** all of that lovely citra to flame out and let it stand before chilling .
Postponed this brew until tomorrow. I don't have any magnum. I have lots citra cascade ekg and Styrian goldings. And about 20g of challenger left

Would Any combination of the above be better than my original plan? Thanks
Depends on the alpha acid % of the other hops. Citra is quite fragile and is better as an aromatic hop rather than a bittering. Out of what you have, I'd use Challenger and possibly EKG (just because you only have 20g of Challenger) as the bittering hops then maybe increase the 15 additions of Citra and Cascade to hit the IBUs you're going for. Or even try a 10 min addition as well to add a bit more aroma and a bit of bittering. Play around with a calculator I guess.

Otherwise hold out for magnum, but if you want to brew today then just go for it :)
Thanks for the advice. Just weighed the challenger and I have 30g at 8.78. Plan to put this at 90 mins. Using a calc I have got my 70ibu using the citra and cascade at 30, 15, and 5 mins. Is this going to be a goer or I should I just wait till next week and pick up more challenger. It also just occurred to me I could aim for 19 or 20litres and that challenger would have a greater influence ?

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