Sugar amounts

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Active Member
Jan 3, 2011
Reaction score
Truro, Cornwall
Just a quick one! I know I've seen this one here but sugar related searches throw up hundreds of results and I couldn't find what I'm after!

I'm going to make my 1st ever batch of turbo cider and I have got my apply juice which has 119.2g of sugar per litre.

I know I saw on hear that from this you can work out your total sugar content and what starting s.g. it will give you, and you can then work out if you want to add sugar to up the strength.

I know that with 5 litres of apply juice ill have 596g of sugar just from the juice, and I would like to end up with a cider around 7%-8%.

So how do I work out if I need to add sugar to reach my desired result.

cider around 7%-8%.
Are you sure about that, why? :shock:
You will need to add sugar for sure to get those results.
Use the forum calculator for ABV. Tubro has a finish gravity of 0.996 ish. So work out what starting gravity you need to get your desired ABV and then add sugar to the juice to get it to the start ABV
Far too many columns in that table for my liking, but a good link if you can sort out which bits to look at.

Starky, for 7-8% abv you only need to add 30-40g sugar per litre in addition to the juice sugars you've already got.
starky5 said:
thanks for the help, for future reference how did you work that out moley? saves me asking again!
Looking at the table simonranson found, I would use the “Potential Alcohol, Factor= 7.36” column, 4th from the right.

That says for 7.5% you want an OG around 1.055

5th column from the left, “Sugar g/l” says that requires 149g sugar in the litre and your carton says you've already got 119g.

In that sort of range I'm not going to start splitting hairs over sugar in the litre or sugar added to the litre.
Here's the one I used to use before I made my own spreadsheet to do all the calc for me...


Worked well :thumb: :cheers:

Good Luck!