The Coronavirus thread.

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I believe they are testing two drugs based on one's that are already available let's hope they work and may reduce the number of deaths.
He said that over 1000 companies are testing and currently 360 odd tests are ongoing. All with positive results from human and animal tests. China are leading the way.
Me and MrsMQ arn't going to cornwall at easter to stay with her elderly mother like we normally do so we dont pass it on. I bet by easter London will be in lockdown anyway (just ordered more hops just in case)
I cannot believe the number of people ringing the five live asking questions like can the family gather at mothers house on mother's day as we usually do, which bit of don't make unnecessary journeys and keep your distance from other people are these people not getting.
He said that over 1000 companies are testing and currently 360 odd tests are ongoing. All with positive results from human and animal tests. China are leading the way.
He said that over 1000 companies are testing and currently 360 odd tests are ongoing. All with positive results from human and animal tests. China are leading the way.

I was discussing two drugs they are testing to help those who have the virus to try to stop them dying not tests to see who has it. ;)
Er ... or has the virus mutated (like most viruses do) to a more virulent form?

Er... Has there been any reports this has happened probably best to stick to the facts as we know them than enter into pure speculation.
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Er... Has there been any reports this has happened.

Not as far as I know, but last night I saw a convoy of military lorries taking bodies to a nearby cemetery in Italy and wondered why there were so many.

The reasons being given for the number of deaths in Italy is "prior illnesses" and "an aged population"; but at the same time we are all told that this particular virus is a mutation and that the Common Cold (another Corona Virus I think) cannot be "cured" because it mutates all the time!

Just wondering!
Currently doing my best to make the royal bod less hospitable the the evil virus by reducing the amount of blood in my alcohol stream.:beer1: BTW..the Boss lady is fast reducing the store of the July-19 WOW pineapple and apple wine. Oh to the kitchen to rack the Boss Ladies latest tipple..Raspberry and cherry !!!🙃😉🙃
I cannot believe the number of people ringing the five live asking questions like can the family gather at mothers house on mother's day as we usually do, which bit of don't make unnecessary journeys and keep your distance from other people are these people not getting.

I dont think people in the UK are taking things serious enough. There are people in the pubs despite the government saying to avoid them. I've read young people are having 'end of the world' parties. Perfect for taking the virus home to granny
I dont think people in the UK are taking things serious enough. There are people in the pubs despite the government saying to avoid them. I've read young people are having 'end of the world' parties. Perfect for taking the virus home to granny

The boss of wetherspoons was on 5 live earlier saying trade has dropped massively they have put new measures in place to try to keep customers safe cleaning every half hour etc, he also said the percentage of his staff self isolating was very small he did mention how many staff he has and its thousands it looks like as long as they keep things clean and you wash your hands or use hand gel often enough full pub closures is not necessary.
My question is why is the deaths to cases ratio so high in Italy.
I would assume that people with mild infections who self isolate until they're better are not finding their way onto the statistics. Our own policy is that if you show symptoms you should stay home for a week and only contact the NHS if you have failed to recover. Only then will you get tested.
Glad you're feeling better. athumb..
Thanks. Working from home today, got a big government return due in next week and they haven’t changed the deadline in light of Covid.

Stuck isolating until Tuesday (and WFH until further notice thereafter) so will hopefully get a brew (or 2) on over the weekend. Will definitely get an American blonde on (pale malt, flakes corn and 50g citra), possibly a pilsner too. I think I have enough ingredients for a 3rd brew in a few weeks. After that I think I’m out of yeast and hops but have some grain so will need to assess what I can make and what hopes I can procure.

We are lucky that we both work in the public sector so most likely won’t lose any pay should the country officially shut down but I do worry for the likes of my Brother in law (although his wife is cat1 in the Scottish Government essential workers list as an NHS scientist with transferable skills and could be redeployed) who work for smaller businesses in industries which will be hit hard by any lockdown (he’s an architect at a firm that primarily do commercial property work).
.......... Perfect for taking the virus home to granny


Are we English capable of taking anything serious aheadbutt

I refer you to a great book called "How to be Topp" by Geoffrey Willans where it describes Grandmothers as follows ...

"Grandmothers are all very strikt and they all sa the same thing as they smile swetely over their gin and orange. It is a grandmother's privilege to spoil her grandchildren. GET OFF THAT SOFA NIGEL YOU WILL BRAKE IT."


"Personaly i think no gorgonzola is worth sending for the manager for but it must be different i suppose when you are 723."

I was bought the book back in 1954 as a present for passing my "11+ Exam" and I still find it funny!

Sick eh?clapa
I cannot believe the number of people ringing the five live asking questions like can the family gather at mothers house on mother's day as we usually do, which bit of don't make unnecessary journeys and keep your distance from other people are these people not getting.
It's like the websites and Quora. Stupid people asking stupid questions and receiving ill-informed answers from other idiots. But it keeps them occupied.
Thanks. Working from home today, got a big government return due in next week and they haven’t changed the deadline in light of Covid.

Stuck isolating until Tuesday (and WFH until further notice thereafter) so will hopefully get a brew (or 2) on over the weekend. Will definitely get an American blonde on (pale malt, flakes corn and 50g citra), possibly a pilsner too. I think I have enough ingredients for a 3rd brew in a few weeks. After that I think I’m out of yeast and hops but have some grain so will need to assess what I can make and what hopes I can procure.

We are lucky that we both work in the public sector so most likely won’t lose any pay should the country officially shut down but I do worry for the likes of my Brother in law (although his wife is cat1 in the Scottish Government essential workers list as an NHS scientist with transferable skills and could be redeployed) who work for smaller businesses in industries which will be hit hard by any lockdown (he’s an architect at a firm that primarily do commercial property work).
Isolation with an American Blonde doesn't sound too bad. Every cloud has a silver lining. :cool:
Er ... or has the virus mutated (like most viruses do) to a more virulent form?

There is no evidence of this. I don't think common cold is a type of coronavirus, certainly wasn't on the list that have previously been circulated.
There is no evidence of this. I don't think common cold is a type of coronavirus, certainly wasn't on the list that have previously been circulated.

Tbh, I dont know much about this, but I think I've read there are two strains S- type and L-type (makes it sound like a BMW)
There is no evidence of this. I don't think common cold is a type of coronavirus, certainly wasn't on the list that have previously been circulated.

Which makes me wonder why!

I give you an extract from Wikipedia. (It's not normally the most reliable source of information but it beats my personal knowledge on this matter.)

"The common cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. The most commonly implicated virus is a rhinovirus (30–80%), a type of picornavirus with 99 known serotypes.

Other commonly implicated viruses include HUMAN CORONAVIRUS (≈ 15%), influenza viruses (10–15%), adenoviruses (5%), human respiratory syncytial virus (orthopneumovirus),.... etc etc. Frequently more than one virus is present. In total, more than 200 viral types are associated with colds."


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