Too Much

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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
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Just reading an article in the Independent. The title reads "Kylie Jenner accused of cultural appropriation for wearing hair in twists" This is a bit much as it goes on to say that the hairstyle was first used by blacks, and she shouldn't be wearing her hair like that...What the hell! Should all Muslims only wear Manjammies and hijabs because jeans and t shirts are a white anglo saxon thing..Any males from Norway...long braided hair (Vikings) no crew cuts for fear of being accused of "stealing" some other cultures way of being. This whole "correctness" thing is really starting to get on my nerves. They are called "styles" . If you wish to embrace should be able to without fear of public shaming. These self righteous snowflakes are really (p1&&ing) me off


rant over
My only comment is, "Who the feck cares how Kylie Jenner styles her hair?" And isn't imitation the sincerest form of flattery?
I think she is a media personality....but that's not whats important.
It's just tabloids trying to make cash. Somebody somewhere will always be offended. I'm surprised tabloid journalism hasn't died out yet. It's also a distraction for the masses in case they start panicking about WW3 breaking out.
Just reading an article in the Independent. The title reads "Kylie Jenner accused of cultural appropriation for wearing hair in twists" This is a bit much as it goes on to say that the hairstyle was first used by blacks, and she shouldn't be wearing her hair like that...What the hell! Should all Muslims only wear Manjammies and hijabs because jeans and t shirts are a white anglo saxon thing..Any males from Norway...long braided hair (Vikings) no crew cuts for fear of being accused of "stealing" some other cultures way of being. This whole "correctness" thing is really starting to get on my nerves. They are called "styles" . If you wish to embrace should be able to without fear of public shaming. These self righteous snowflakes are really (p1&&ing) me off


rant over

Really wish modern identity politics was self aware, what a mess, I could raise many points but it would only mean I was looking backwards on my experiences.
Her parents were reality show stars, daddy being the former Bruce Jenner.
TBF, long before reality TV, Bruce Jenner was America’s equivalent of Dailly Thompson or Mo Farah.
I think Feck means to throw or chuck something

The Father Ted usage was obviously to get past the censors:laugh8:

Shame he died. The Hitler at the window sketch nearly made me wet myself when i first saw it.