Transporting beer in pressure barrel

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Beer Belly

Active Member
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
Stirling, Scotland.
Hi, I'm going away for a week at the end of August and I want to take a pressure barrel full of my home brew.

I'm planning to do the brew next week, leave it in the FV for 2 weeks then put it in my pressure barrel.

So, if I put the barrel in my car to transport it to my holiday location will the beer be ok after I've left it to settle down or will I risk ruining it with it sloshing around in the car?

Also, Should I put finings in the barrel?

thanks :drink:
You want to remove as much sediment as you can before putting it into the keg, I normally leave 10 days in primary, then move to secondary Fv and cool as much as possible to remove particles ( you can use finnings)for around a week. Then Keg the beer once clear, You won't get any secodary ferment so you will need to prime the keg with Co2 and Force carb as such.
I did this Last weekend and only the first pint was slighty hazey the rest was Fine and dandy :D :cheers:
OK, I'll try that.

Is it possible to force carb a youngs pressure barrel? I've got the one that takes the CO2 bulbs on the lid but I thought that was just to push the beer out?

Beer Belly said:
OK, I'll try that.

Is it possible to force carb a youngs pressure barrel? I've got the one that takes the CO2 bulbs on the lid but I thought that was just to push the beer out?


If you put the barrel in the fridge and get it as cold as possible below 4 deg C ideal (put it in for @ least 24hrs before forcing) you can start to force carbonate, but you will need to do it over several days and in small bursts of co2.


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