Two Beer Problems

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Nov 23, 2016
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I have two beer kits on the go one is in the PB and has a good head but it is still cloudy ( see Photo) should I put beer finnings clear it or could I use wine finnings which I have got plenty. or should i still leave it The other one is still reading 1010 ( see Photo) and has been like that for two weeks in the FB with heat mat. I tried a sample and it tasted of nothing just like coloured water no real bitter taste at all or hoppy any ideas anybody. Ps the first beer was put into the PB on the 26th Jan the other beer I would say 3/4 weeks ago


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I have two beer kits on the go one is in the PB and has a good head but it is still cloudy ( see Photo) should I put beer finnings clear it or could I use wine finnings which I have got plenty. or should i still leave it The other one is still reading 1010 ( see Photo) and has been like that for two weeks in the FB with heat mat. I tried a sample and it tasted of nothing just like coloured water no real bitter taste at all or hoppy any ideas anybody. Ps the first beer was put into the PB on the 26th Jan the other beer I would say 3/4 weeks ago

Coloured water? Woodfordes Wherry by any chance? lol It's a problem with a lot of kits in my experience, they often just don't have enough hop in them.

As to clarity, does it taste ok? If so, who really cares? As my wife always says, you want to drink it, not date it... :wink:
The first one is which is the cloudy one is Admiral reserve the second one is Youngs Definititive bitter *****************************/catalogue/beers/bitter/youngs-definitive-bitter-40pt-891-detail The Admiral tastes fine
Did your Mum never recite "Little Bo Peep" to you? The line "Leave them alone and they will come home!" was especially written for Home Brewers!:thumb:The secret of clear beer isn't "finings" it "Gravity + Time".

It's amazing how beer improves and clears with age! By the middle of March I'd lay money on the fact that they have improved in taste and clarity.

In the meantime, you have time to get another brew on while your waiting.:gulp:
Ithought after a mth isince I put into a PB it would of cleared by now but you say it might be longer Oh well got a dinner party next week will have to buy some beer. What about the second beer still reading 1010 that has not shifted for over two weeks
Ithought after a mth isince I put into a PB it would of cleared by now but you say it might be longer Oh well got a dinner party next week will have to buy some beer. What about the second beer still reading 1010 that has not shifted for over two weeks

NEVER! What you do (if you are happy with the taste) is say to your guests "This is one of my finest brews. I've deliberately left it cloudy because I wanted you to taste the brew without adding all the chemicals and stuff that is needed to clear it." If they tell you that they prefer a commercial brew then find some new friends 'cos they don't deserve you!

At 1.010 I would bottle it, carbonate it for a couple of weeks (using DME if I thought that it didn't have any "body") and then sit it on the shelf for a couple of weeks and then see how it tasted. If at that stage it tasted like "amber water" I would reserve it, let it clear and serve it to the guests that liked that kind of thing!:gulp:
Dried Malt Extract - it comes in a variety of colours and flavours. Choose one that suits the style of your brew and it gives it that bit of extra "body".

As opposed to Ordinary and Brewing Sugar which don't add any significant taste.

DME is also sold as part of a "Beer Enhancer" for problems like your own. Check out ...

Enjoy! :gulp:
As I have already put sugar in both Beer Kits and PB on the cloudy one is at 10PSI Which I have now left in the back garden so its cold (Thats What I have been told to do because it helps to clear) on the other one that tastes a bit week How Much do I add to the one in The FB then How long to I leave it for before putting that one in the PB or can I add it once I put it in the PB
The brew in the PB (for better or worse) is virtually a done deal. De-pressurising and redoing the brew is more trouble than it's worth.

With regard to the one in the FV you have two main choices:
  1. Dissolve a quantity of DME in boiled water and then add it to the FV. How much will depend on what alcohol content you require. The problem with this is that to significantly change the taste may take the ABV of the brew up into the stratosphere and in the end you finish up with something like a Barley Wine that you can only drink in small quantities.
  2. Check out the Calculator above and look for "Priming Calculator" it gives an amount for DME at the different amounts of CO2 you want. If you then use DME instead of Brewing Sugar it will both carbonate the brew and also add more body at the same time.
I recommend number 2. because:
  • It's easy and I'm a lazy sod!
  • You can never tell what a brew is going to be like until it has been carbonated and conditioned; plus some brews improve over months rather than weeks.
I refer you back to "Little Bo Peep" above!:gulp:
Dutto I just love your reply's I think they are great & very funny :laugh:Just one thing I always put my beers into PB When I add the Priming sugar which is about 85g instead of using normal sugar should I use this Malt extract instead of 85g of normal sugar and the same quantity
The brew in the PB (for better or worse) is virtually a done deal. De-pressurising and redoing the brew is more trouble than it's worth.

With regard to the one in the FV you have two main choices:
  1. Dissolve a quantity of DME in boiled water and then add it to the FV. How much will depend on what alcohol content you require. The problem with this is that to significantly change the taste may take the ABV of the brew up into the stratosphere and in the end you finish up with something like a Barley Wine that you can only drink in small quantities.
  2. Check out the Calculator above and look for "Priming Calculator" it gives an amount for DME at the different amounts of CO2 you want. If you then use DME instead of Brewing Sugar it will both carbonate the brew and also add more body at the same time.
I recommend number 2. because:
  • It's easy and I'm a lazy sod!
  • You can never tell what a brew is going to be like until it has been carbonated and conditioned; plus some brews improve over months rather than weeks.
I refer you back to "Little Bo Peep" above!:gulp:
Dutto I can not find this link that you said Calculator above and look for "Priming Calculator"
As far as the beer still in the FV I personally can't believe that you will make much difference to the body by using half a teaspoon of malt extract per 500ml for priming. So you may as well use sugar in my view. The only thing you can do now to appreciably improve your beer is to give it a hop boost by adding a hop tea or dry hopping for a few days. The hop tea is probably better for hop flavour. Hops can be bought from Crossmyloof Brewery at a reasonable price and you will get them delivered by the middle of the week. 50g of East Kent Goldings, First Gold or Styrian Goldings will suit the style. More here
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The first one is which is the cloudy one is Admiral reserve the second one is Youngs Definititive bitter *****************************/catalogue/beers/bitter/youngs-definitive-bitter-40pt-891-detail The Admiral tastes fine

How did you make up that Youngs Bitter.. did you throw a bag of sugar in with it?
Dutto I can not find this link that you said Calculator above and look for "Priming Calculator"

At the top of the page, to the right of the HBF Logo it goes -


"Click" on the Calculators and then scroll down the list.

You really can't miss it! Honest!

With regard to DME not making much difference when Priming, the Calculator advises a more that 30% increase if you are using DME rather than ordinary sugar. The fact that it can change the taste of a brew is why a number of people don't advise using it for normal priming. Personally, my own taste-buds are shot so I can hardly taste a difference, but I have seen it mentioned. :gulp:
Thank you so much everybody will you sugar as Terry said and thanks Dutto I must of been blind not see that IDIOT I am
How did you make up that Youngs Bitter.. did you throw a bag of sugar in with it?
No I used 1kg of beer Medium to start it off It might improve once it is in the PB and left for a few weeks will let you know also the Same with the Admirals reserve When it decides to clear