UK National Homebrew Competition

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Congratulations @Braindead that beer did sound absolutely amazing.

I got a silver in Speciality with a score of 36 and my hibiscus ale scored a 38 but didn’t place. I’m happy!
I was stewarding on the table with the hibiscus ale. it was very good. It has a high scoring table, two 41s and a 40 ahead of you if I remember rightly, on another day it could have been placed with 38
Congrats @Braindead (great score) and @Ajhutch athumb..:hat: - good to see the forum represented in the medals

Best I managed was 29 for my bitter, and least said about the AIPA the better :laugh8:

I was quite surprised my the number of entries for the different tables - only 13 pale ales, but 21 Imperial Stouts, 21 Sours & 31 Belgian & French
My Belgian Dubble got 39 and didn't even get an honourable mention! There must have been some still competition. Congrats @Ajhutch and @Braindead

Yeah I think you were very unlucky there @IainM . You were in a massive category; 31 entries in Belgian and French. It seems crazy that they wouldn't split that in two.

I love competitions but they're such a crapshoot.
BY 25?! That has to be down to variation in different judges, I’m sure you have a consistent enough process that you aren’t making one good beer and one bad one consecutively.

I remember listening to an old Jamil Z podcast and he talked about almost ignoring scores and looking instead at where you finish on your table, as that at least should calibrate because the same judges looked at all of them. There’s sense in that, though I’m sure there’s still a lot of subjectivity in there. I believe the scoresheet is supposed to include the range of scores given on a table though which is useful.
I believe the scoresheet is supposed to include the range of scores given on a table though which is useful.

That would be very useful but I don't think I've ever seen it on a score sheet. Although, I suspect they don't this because it would cause arguments etc if you scored high but didn't place due to a mini-BoS. I saw a lot of people commenting about this after the last Welsh National where they disclosed the scored of all the winning entries. Essentially, you can score high/highest within your flight but then not place or place below a lower scored beer due to the min-BoS.
That would be very useful but I don't think I've ever seen it on a score sheet. Although, I suspect they don't this because it would cause arguments etc if you scored high but didn't place due to a mini-BoS. I saw a lot of people commenting about this after the last Welsh National where they disclosed the scored of all the winning entries. Essentially, you can score high/highest within your flight but then not place or place below a lower scored beer due to the min-BoS.
We had that on the table I was stewarding on. We had 4 beers in the mini BOS, the one that finished 4th had scored equal highest points
What's a mini BoS?
And congratulations to @Ajhutch acheers. Well done mate.

Mini Best of Show. The following provides a detailed explanation:

In a nutshell, the highest scored beers from the flight are put forward for a mini BoS where the judges just taste them and place them in 1st, 2nd, 3rd order without considering each entries individual score. I believe normally it's different judges that do the mini BoS.
BY 25?! That has to be down to variation in different judges, I’m sure you have a consistent enough process that you aren’t making one good beer and one bad one consecutively.

I remember listening to an old Jamil Z podcast and he talked about almost ignoring scores and looking instead at where you finish on your table, as that at least should calibrate because the same judges looked at all of them. There’s sense in that, though I’m sure there’s still a lot of subjectivity in there. I believe the scoresheet is supposed to include the range of scores given on a table though which is useful.

I'm not knocking the judges as it must have been pretty dire compared to the other beers in front of them, and I didn't think it was as good as the previous version. But it does seem a big difference - can't wait to see the feedback.
Getting the range of scores would be really useful though - never seen it on any scoresheets I've had.
Why many thanks Toffee. I put a lot of work into it.
Didn't actually brew it for the nationals, was meant to be for Christmas but then my mum died at Christmas so didn't keg it and ended up ageing longer on the oak which actually worked out. So then heard about the comp.
Tried a little experiment with my hop rocket and passed the beer through toasted coconut in the rocket before kegging.

Brewing it again next week
What was the highest scoring beer in the comp?

Means a lot to hear good feedback.
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Brewing it again next week
What was the highest scoring beer in the comp?

Means a lot to hear good feedback.

It was the highest scoring beer I judged that day. Maybe the highest score i've ever given a beer, in 5 comps i've judged. Seriously, it was brilliant. I ticked the "send me the recipe" box, lol.

Not sure what the highest was on the day, but this would have been fairly close to this. Bear in mind though, I only judged two flights on the day, so maybe 20 beers out of 327.

I'll admit when I read the special ingredients I thought it might have been a bit of a mess, but it worked so well. you got the coconut, then a pecan/maple, the rum and so on. It was so multilayered. I was sorry when I had to pour a little bit away, but it was getting towards the end of the day and I had tasted a lot of beers.
^^ Thanks for the heads up BD.
Mostly fair feedback, in line with what I was expecting by and large, with some helpful comments. Except for one of the judges regarding my Black IPA, which had 250g midnight wheat, a bit of dark crystal and pale malt... plus ~600g of hops. His comment: too much dark malt and not enough hops! clapa At least the other judge had something reasonable to say.

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