Vimto TC

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Jul 10, 2013
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I started this on the spare of the moment kinda thing. Saw Sone's post on Strawberry Ribena TC. I couldn't wait to start. But while In the shop Vimto was on offer. I thought why the hell not. So here is it.

3L apple juice from concentrate
0.6L cordial Vimto
0.5L water (topped up to neck a couple of days in)
110g sugar
1 tsp Tannin
1 tsp pectulose
1/4 tsp cider yeast
3/4 tsp super wine yeast (reason for both is because I had a bit of cider yeast left)
1 tsp yeast nutrient

Followed sone's recipe which is pretty basic and let it run. Smells lovely. Can't wait to try it. Rough OG: 1.45
Never had something thats gone off like this before. Nearest thing to it is Moley's WOW.

Here is a clip in action. Will keep you updated.

I did an easy white with apple juice that went nuts like that. Started glugging within 15 minutes of putting the yeast in. Maybe it's the apple juice?
I can see I'm going to have to have a go at one of these TCs.
I started one of these these other day. It started going after 10 mins. Now 3 days later I'm getting a bubble every second. Can't wait for it settle down so I can top it up.