What exactly are Porridge Oats?

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Jul 25, 2023
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Napoleon, Ohio USA
Was in Scotland last month and enjoyed hand-pulled Gold from Skye Brewing. Ingredients included malt (I'm assuming something like Golden Promise), crystal and porridge oats. I'm not familiar with the term "porridge oats." Are they the same as rolled oats or is there a difference?
porridge oats, the groats are slightly steamed then rolled between two rollers, spinning at the same speed in opposite directions, to produce porridge oats.
Very similar to rolled oats some people say they are the same but they have been steamed so the break down easier to make porridge.
We use them usually to give a good smooth mouthfeel to beer in any beer but especially in Stouts, hazy beer to give some haziness but can be used in any recipe. if you are doing lower ABV beers it helps to give the beer body.
Ps if you use them they do go like porridge and larger amounts can cause a stuck mash so use in small amounts or add rice/oat husk/hulls to stop this if using larger amounts
You may also see oat meal. Again not steamed, can look a bit like crushed malt and takes longer to breakdown when making porridge. Not porride oats.