WOW a bit slow

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Active Member
Jun 4, 2011
Reaction score
Launceston Cornwall
Good morning,

Finally got some WOW on the go.

Followed the recipe from Moley's pages and made a gallon brew.

Only put 7 pints in the DJ to leave room as suggested - but even after a night ( Left DJ in the sink just in case ) I am not getting a very vigorous ferment - one blurp every 4 seconds. About an inch of sludge sitting on the top.

1 litre OJ
1 litre GJ
800 gm sugar
1 t/spoon yeast
1 t/spoon nutrient
1 t/spoon pectolase

Poured fruit juice in DJ - followed by dissolved sugar which brought the level to 7 pints - left to cool added pectolase and then added yeast & nutrient after mixing in small amount of warm water.

Temperature in kitchen - not too sure - but not cold.

I used a level teaspoon of Ritchies Wine Yeast as recommended by the local Brew Shop.

Is it on course?

Good morning to you too.

It usually takes 2-3 days for the yeasties to build up their numbers and for it to get up to full speed.

If you've already got one bloop every 4 seconds, it's well on course :thumb:

Give the jar a gentle swirl every now and then to get the fruit pulp back into the mix.
Aah - Thank you Moley - was beginning to get somewhat worried. :)

As I got the comment after it was sat on the kitchen worktop - 'Is that really going to turn into wine' - I really need this to work :lol:

My reply was - take a look at this and I brought up the image of a clear glass of your WOW.

Can't wait for it to be finished.

If I was to make 5 gallons - I presume I multiply the OJ, GJ and sugar by 5; but what about the Yeast, Nutrient and Pectolase?
blueboron said:
If I was to make 5 gallons - I presume I multiply the OJ, GJ and sugar by 5; but what about the Yeast, Nutrient and Pectolase?
Scale up everything with the exception of the yeast, 2 heaped tsps of that will do fine.
Yup, it is beginning to take off. :party:

The heavy glutinous band which started at the top inch is now reaching down 3/4 of the jar and the 'bubbler' is working pretty fast now. :grin:

Say Mole, I remember :? glycerine in the batch I made :? Am I right ? Does it matter ?
Cos my beer stock is not ZERO :( :oops: I have taken to a spot of WOW, that I made a year ago, not a wino but it's quite good ;) How long will it keep ?
I am thinking of a "big batch", 25 litres,, so need to get my facts right. Always record my beer brew, spot on, but wine and cider.............. :) :lol:
Say Springer, does that make as much sense to you this morning as you thought it did when you wrote it? ;)
Of course ;) I never post when :drunk: :whistle:
Beer stock is NOT zero :party: :cheers: or beer stock is NOW zero :( ???

Glycerine is optional, I've made it with and I've made it without, but I think I prefer it with.

How long will it keep? TBH I don't know, I'm quite impressed that you still have some which is a year old because I don't try to keep this sort of stuff much beyond 6 months. Assuming it's somewhere in the 12-14% abv range it should still be good at 12-18 months.
:lol: Typo, but what I certainly know, is that I am out of beer. :( :oops:
The WOW lasted so long because I prefer beer and Mrs. S turned her nose up at it. She prefers her five quid a bottle stuff, well theres likely to be a difference, over ten times the price.
I will making some more as it seemed to get better with age, or maybe that was because there was no beer to hand :lol:
Thanks for info
Wow - did I say WOW was abot slow - well - Wow the WOW is now going like a train :eek: - just like a previous post said 'similar to a Lava Lamp'.

It also reminds me of those Underwater Thermal Vents - amazing.

If only I could harness the power and put a dozen DJs of WOW in the car :)
Hi BB. good to see your batch is in full swing, i have 12 gals on the go at the moment and one curious 5 gal batch which i started in mid february, its just starting to clear and there is (still) the odd plop from the airlock, must be down to temperature swings as it is in an unheated kitchen, 4 months next to the kitchen sink and not a cross word, must be some kind of record. One other thing with wow is its great for bartering, at the hint of any chainsaw action i am out to scavenge logs for our wood burner, cheers Dave NE
WOW is now on day 9 still fermenting very slowly - took an SG reading .099 and tastes a bit raw to say the least. Will probably add some syrup to the batch to sweeten a little.

It is also somewhat clearer than the day before.

Should I rack this to another DJ and stop the ferment with Potassium Sorbate and then sweeten?

If it's still fermenting very slowly, give it a bit longer.

It will taste very raw at this stage because those yeasties haven't finished clearing up, kill them now and they won't be able to complete their task.

Your hydrometer reading is wrong, that has to be 0.99x so what is the final digit?
Dave Ne said:
Hi BB. good to see your batch is in full swing, i have 12 gals on the go at the moment and one curious 5 gal batch which i started in mid february, its just starting to clear and there is (still) the odd plop from the airlock, must be down to temperature swings as it is in an unheated kitchen, 4 months next to the kitchen sink and not a cross word, must be some kind of record. One other thing with wow is its great for bartering, at the hint of any chainsaw action i am out to scavenge logs for our wood burner, cheers Dave NE

+1 BB glad it has gone Lava Lamp for you now.

Dave NE, one of mine has been reluctant to stop which I put down to changes of temperature. My Moley's Fruity type wines have also gone down well as bartering items.
Dave NE, one of mine has been reluctant to stop which I put down to changes of temperature. My Moley's Fruity type wines have also gone down well as bartering items.[/quote]
Hi Barkie, i ran out of patients and added CT,s and Youngs stabilising powder and a 2 part finnings on Saturday and bottled the batch last night, the timing could not have been better, a mate dropped in with 6 bags of logs and he went away with 2 bottles. I started another batch and just to be sure went through my printed recipe and noticed i did not include tannin which i am sorting as i type this, i noticed that the original poster did not include tannin in his/her recipe, i thought tannin was a vital ingredient in this recipe, cheers Dave

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