wyeast 1318 London ale yeast alternative?

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Active Member
Jul 4, 2012
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hi guys,

i have just found a dark mild recipe online that i would love to try that calls for the wyeast 1318 london yeast, it will be the first time i have used a liquid yeast so im pretty apprehensive. ive had a look around and every shop ive looked on so far has sold out of it so it looks pretty popular, does anyone know of any suitable replacements? if not ill have to wait it out.

thanks in advance
Danstar Windsor may be a sub, regarding residual sweetness, but this yeast is unique in many other ways. No real sub, tbh.
Most of the Wyeast liquid yeasts are fairly comparable. I've mostly settled on Wyeast 1469 as my favorite but have used the majority of theirs with success.
thanks all for the feedback. Mike, i would've ordered but the £8 price and £6 delivery has definitely put me off haha, ill have to wait for it to come into stock and buy it along with my next malt order
Yeah not really worth it unless you were buying some other stuff to justify the delivery. The only other way to justify it is to reuse the yeast for several brews to bring the cost per brew down.
Thanks for the heads up though, i'm planing on getting at least a couple of brews out of it when i finally cave into buying it. I've never used liquid yeasts so i hope the price is justified in the final product!
This particular yeast is specific as it leaves a fair bit of sweetness while still having standard attenuation. It suits well darker beers, like milds and contemporary porters, adds nice luscious effect to low gravity beers but effectively mutes hop flavours. I see it shining in a series of mild - porter - Burton ale.

Far from boring and "bog standard", as someone could call current Wyeast range of British strains.

Well worth trying. One of my favourites.
Pretty much bang on what i'm looking for regarding a dark mild recipe i hope to make this week then. I realised i needed some other grains so i've taken the plunge and ordered a pack of the yeast too. Thanks again for the info, really appreciated. :thumb:

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