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  1. A

    4 litre all grain help for a newbie

    Think I'm ready to get brewing tomorrow. Taking the advice above and trying a SMaSH brew. Going for Marris Otter and Citra this time round.
  2. A

    4 litre all grain help for a newbie

    These suggestions seem right up my street, thanks. Really like the idea of understanding more about the different ingredients so going to start with a SMaSH brew or three and then give your idea a try, clibit. I'll let you know how I get one. Thanks for the advice and no doubt I'll be back...
  3. A

    4 litre all grain help for a newbie

    Great advice, thanks. BrewMate looks pretty impressive, I'm off to take a proper look now. Glad its not just me who couldn't understand some of these other ones. Have you got any suggestions for a nice easy brew that doesn't have loads of different types of grain or hops to keep me going for now?
  4. A

    4 litre all grain help for a newbie

    Newbie looking for some help please anyone... I've made a couple of very small all grain brews to give brewing a try and I've really enjoyed it. I've been really impressed by the end products too. I'm now looking to try and brew some other beer but I'm struggling to find recipes. Can...