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  1. W

    The Coronavirus thread.

    Where have all the kits gone. Both local brewshops closed and amazon have nothing except coopers kits at£72. Wtf is going on?
  2. W


    Hi Guys, This is my 1st post, although I have been watching in the wings for 6 years now. As yet I am still only a kit brewer, but thought I would share my first real success with you. So, for 6 years I've been attempting all sorts.... Lagers, IPAs, wheats, all trying to replicate certain...
  3. W

    Carbonating a keg

    Hi guys, Quick question, I bought a wilko IPA kits months ago and found it whilst cleaning out some old rubbish. Thought it would be rude to ignore it so sacked off the cleaning and got straight down to brewing my forgotten about bonus kit. ( Not expecting much from it but hey). Anyway...