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  1. W

    Buying beer bottles

    Where is the cheapest place to buy beer bottles from for my homebrew beer? The websites i have been looking at seem very pricey, with 75 bottles coming to over £50. Is this a reasonable price?
  2. W

    Tesco's "Exotic Juice"

    After a trip down the tesco's drinks isle a couple of days ago I came across a beverage described as "Exotic Juice". On closer inspection it was a mixture of apple, orange, pineapple, banana, passion fruit and mango juices. I decided to try a gallon of it and so added an amount of Youngs Cider...
  3. W

    Racking a batch of malolactic cider

    I am currently fermenting a batch of cider using Weston's Old Rosie yeast, with the aim of eventually achieving malolactic fermentation. However, the time has come for racking (assuming i need to do this? :hmm: ) and i was wondering if i should actively endeavor to transfer a quantity of the...
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    Sweetner levels

    Roughly how much unfermentable sugar per litre should be used in standard, fermented dry TC made from supermarket apple juice?
  5. W

    Temperature for Malolactic Fermentation

    I currently store/mature my ciders in the loft, which due to my living in Scotland and the thickness of the insulation above the ceiling, never climbs above about 5 degrees Celsius. Is there any hope of any of the ciders achieving malolactic fermentation at this temperature or will the low...
  6. W

    Secondary fermentation after racking?

    I have racked my cider several times now and the time has come for bottling. However, I would like the cider to be fizzy and it seems that not a trace of yeast is left in the brew (to the naked eye). If I add sugar to the bottles, will there still be secondary fermentation within them enough...
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    University Application

    Writing my university application to study Brewing and Distilling as a course at Herriot Watt University in Edinburgh next year. Any suggestions of stuff I can put in the personal statement that will impress the selection comitee? ;)
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    The Racking Process

    Could some kind expert please explain the process of racking a cider or point me to a thread which does so? Its my first time attempting it and so would like to make sure I have a clear understanding before I attempt it
  9. W

    Learned my lesson

    I thought I could get away without racking or allowing my first cider kit to settle, since I got excited at the idea of home brew cider and just wanted things to get done quick. Fair to say, my bowels are paying the price for ingesting so much of what a friend described "liquid bread" at a...
  10. W

    Does Tesco Every day value apple juice have preservatives?

    Does tesco every day value apple juice contain preservatives which will impair yeast when making TC? And if so how does one go about removing these? :hmm:
  11. W

    More palatable cider

    Perhaps I am expressing my ignorance, but I am new to this practice so... Is there a way to make my home brew cider less dry? some sort of none sugar additive I can add at the end. I have tried tesco value sweetener and it made no difference what so ever. Could do with having a less dry batch...
  12. W

    high percentage

    What is the highest percentage ABV that yeast can possibly be pushed to in cider production and how is this achieved? Need to know for an "experiment" :whistle:
  13. W


    Almost ready for bottling my kit made cider and have been collecting pepsi 2 litre bottles as i assumed since these cope with the pressure of carbonated pepsi they would do for cider. However, my science lecturer has warned me against it, saying they will not cope. Help. Can i use them? If...
  14. W

    How do i know when fermentation is over?

    How can I tell when fermentation has concluded within my vessel and the cider is ready for bottling? :?: :?: :?: As you may have guessed, I'm new to this :lol:
  15. W


    I currently have my cider fermenting in a large vessel with an air lock and it will hopefully have finnished within the next few days. I am completley new to all this, and was wondering if somebody could give me instructions on bottling the cider, and times for it to settle and mature etc. and...
  16. W


    I could well be making a mountain out of a mole hill but its my first time brewing so... I have a airlock of the 3 bobbles each side variety which i half filled so that one and a half were filled each side. I used vodka as i was told this would offer more protection from nastys than plain...
  17. W


    What does settling mean and is it essential? I am advised on the instructions of my kit to allow 7 days for the cider to settle at the end of fermentation, however, as a student i need it quick and dont really care about the taste as long as it will get us all muntered. I have other batches...
  18. W

    Is it ok to mix champagne and cider yeast

    I am making an experimental batch of cider to use up old ingredients. It contains mixture of 10 litres of apple juice and 10 litres of last years elderflower champagne which is now out of date. I have added both champagne and cider yeast ( a sachet of each) to the mixure. Will the results be...
  19. W

    Just started brewing cider

    I am brewing cider for the first time to save on nights out with mates. I have currently fermenting 10 litres of pure, pressed apple juice cider, 22 litres of kit cider and 22 litres made from marinading the pulp of the apples in warm water for 24 hours before straining them off.