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  1. W

    Bottling question

    Hi guys, sorry I've asked so many questions lately, would it be ok to bottle half of my beer today and leave the rest till tomorrow or is it best to do it all at once? I know it's a silly question but I'm being very cautious with my first brew!
  2. W

    Has my fermentation finished?

    My gravity readings have been about 1010 for 3 days now but there are still some bubbles on top kinda looks like someone's spat on it also there are some little flakes at the top please tell me it's harmless? My room has been cold because of the weather could this mean it hasn't finished? I...
  3. W

    FG too high?

    Haha ok thanks guys! :hat:
  4. W

    FG too high?

    Hi guys sorry my question was badly worded my reading is about 1013 and I was aiming for about 1005 is this ok?
  5. W

    FG too high?

    I'm making Coopers Australian Pale Ale. The FG has been stuck at a figure about 0010 too high. What is the issue with a high fg what problems does it cause? Thanks
  6. W

    Storing in plastic bottles

    I've heard storing in plastic bottles can mean it loses fizz, how long till this happens? would it be feasible to store my beer in plastic bottles for up to 3 months? Thanks
  7. W

    How can you tell fermentation has finished?

    I do actually have one but the fact that my reading has gone up from 1040 to 1060 since yesterday has led me to think im either doing it wrong or my mix has gone strange
  8. W

    How can you tell fermentation has finished?

    Without a hydrometer. Should I just wait till bubbles stop rising or is this too simplistic?
  9. W

    Newbie storage question

    Haha ok thanks for your help man
  10. W

    Newbie storage question

    Could I just put it into the large bottles without priming then once I move it to smaller bottles prime it then?
  11. W

    Newbie storage question

    Im doing my first beer brew. I currently don't have enough bottles to store it all in but I don't have a keg either would I be able to store some of it in glass bottles and keep the rest in large plastic bottles to store? Should I prime them before I put it in the large plastic bottles? When I...