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    Thanks for the responses - Stevie does it come with a back cover? What size hole does it need?
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    Hi I have read a few posts on here about butchering tesco kettles for the elements, but as it seems a bit dodgy I wondered if anyone could recommend a method not quite so Heath Robinson? :electric:
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    How would you make one of those?
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    Thanks Calum. Would you need to plug anything into the heat side? If so what?
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    I have a big chest freezer that would be great for storing but highest temp it goes is -10 is there an easy way to give a bigger range on the thermostat to get to say 2deg?
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    Thanks for the advice. It confirms the stuff I have already researched. Are most people on here ale / bitter brewers?
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    Can someone talk me through the lagering process and steps to ensure a clear crisp lager? Is cold crashing different to lagering?
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    Keg to mash tun conversion

    I havent got one yet, but if i do i will go down the right channels. Thanks for the advise.
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    Keg to mash tun conversion

    Good point I didn't realise!!!
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    Ball valves and hose sizes

    Hi there I am wondering what the best size ball valves would be be for my keg based setup also hose size?
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    Keg to mash tun conversion

    Sorry yes I meant a pub keg
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    Sight tube and temp gauge

    Where are the best places to buy sight tubes and temp gauges (analogue) to fit to a converted keg
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    What pump

    I want to pay as little as poss, are drill powered pumps able to be used?
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    Keg to mash tun conversion

    4"? I was thinking of grinding the top out?
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    Keg to mash tun conversion

    Has anyone successfully insulated a keg enough to use as a mash tun or is it considered a big no no?
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    Which cool box should I get?

    I am in the same boat with this, I will be adding a ball valve tap at the bottom and am concerned how to do this without leaks
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    What pump

    Hi there, I am in the process of setting up a AG system, was wondering about the type of pump I should get ? Any recommendations or any I should avoid ?
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    Can I be your brewers apprentice?

    Thanks glock but I want to jump in at the deep end and learn The mash tun method
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    American Style Beers

    Has anyone ever tried to make a copy of a Sam Adams cherry wheat? How did it turn out? I tried when in Chicago last year and loved it - an acquired taste though :tongue:
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    Can I be your brewers apprentice?

    Which pint mug?