Four Finger Jack American Pale Ale. Help!

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Aug 29, 2016
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I set this kit away on Sunday, 48hrs,have now passed and no activity in the airlock.Think I may have pitched the yeast to warm (28 degrees), brew is now sitting at 26 degrees.
Have I killed the yeast?
Should I add more yeast?
If much?
Should I aerate the mix before adding yeast.?
First off you havent killed the yeast. Yeast actually like temps at about 30 odd degrees but as homebrewers we dont because they kick out all sorts of off flavours at that temp.

Secondly airlock activity is no indication of fermentation because if you haven't got a air tight seal on the FV the C02 can escape from under the lid (you dont need an air tight seal btw, I dont even use an airlock, I just cover the FV with cling film). Try pushing on the lid, it may give you an indication of fermentation activity as trapped C02 is forced up through the airlock.

Thirdly, going back to point one, 26C is way too warm for a fermention with normal ale yeast and your in danger of ruining your brew. Try to get the temp down by putting it in a bucket of cold water, drape a wet t-shirt over the FV and point a fan at it
First off you havent killed the yeast. Yeast actually like temps at about 30 odd degrees but as homebrewers we dont because they kick out all sorts of off flavours at that temp.

Secondly airlock activity is no indication of fermentation because if you haven't got a air tight seal on the FV the C02 can escape from under the lid (you dont need an air tight seal btw, I dont even use an airlock, I just cover the FV with cling film). Try pushing on the lid, it may give you an indication of fermentation activity as trapped C02 is forced up through the airlock.

Thirdly, going back to point one, 26C is way too warm for a fermention with normal ale yeast and your in danger of ruining your brew. Try to get the temp down by putting it in a bucket of cold water, drape a wet t-shirt over the FV and point a fan at it
Many thanks!
If you added everything as you should have done to the kit and kept the brew length to how it should be in the instructions (23L?), then by default it will be 1.046 (no getting a lower OG due to **** efficiency with a kit). There fore your reading of 1.030 tells you your brew is merrily fermenting away and the yeast is doing what its supposed to
No visible activity again, must be doin something as reading is now 1016... no krausen though. Is this normal with this kit?
If a brew ferments really quick due to high heat quite often you wont get a krausen. This is currently happening with my kviek brew which is fermenting at 28C. The krausen came and went in about 24 hours. What you might see (which I can on my kviewk brew) is the wort looking like is fizzing as the yeast is working in overdrive and creating lots of C02
Airlocks are such a bad way to gauge whether a brew is fermenting. Chuck in the ingredients and go watch Love Island (JOKE - I've never seen an episode!). You will learn to leave the thing well alone until 13-14days (unless you dry hop beforehand) and then have a look/check with hydrometer. I always use the coopers fermenting vessel, no faffing with airlocks.

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