which hop combination should i use?

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Nov 20, 2012
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I am making 3 Simply 1.8kg Pale Ale Extract kits which I got along with 1kg free Brewing Sugar in a good deal for £10.81
I also bought 100g each of Amarillo, Cascade & Chinook

Just wondering if anyone has ever made an ale specifically using these 3 hops and if so how did it turn out?
I have 3 options basically.
a. Use each hop (100g) individually
b. Use all 3 (33g)in equal measure in each of the 3 brews
c. Use 1 as a smash (100g) and the other two with (50g) each

any feedback and suggestions will be greatly appreciated ty.
Hi, you could use any one of those options, however i'd recommend using a brewing app to check your IBU's and predicted abv etc so as you get what you are looking for. I guess you'd be looking at a 10l batch with those ingredients?
They would work well together in my opinion.

Chinook at FWH, Cascade for flavour (say 20-30 minutes), Amarillo at flameout. Then dry hop with a combination of all three (perhaps using a touch less of the Chinook as it can be quite aggressive).

That should give you a nice combination of West Coast flavours - pine, grapefruit, and orange.

Plus what Pilgrim said about checking the IBUs.
thank you both for your input but I am afraid I am a simple extract brewer and I only dry hop. I am only looking for advice regards which of these and any combinations to use as a dry hop......i have 100g of each and I make 23l , 40 pint batches.......again any further input regardes this will be appreciated thank you.
Apols, I must've glossed over the "kit" bit.

Will leave for others who brew kits more regularly than me to give better advice, but have you considered a hop tea as well as a dry hop?
Just be careful with the extra IBU's when you dry hop/hop tea etc as the extract kit has already been pre-hopped and will have a relevant IBU to style so it is easy to over bitter a kit beer.
I would personally just use one hop at a time to see how they turn out with the kit
I have dry hopped extract kits before with to me decent results.. I am more interested in the three hops I have at moment cascade, chinook, amaryllis and there compatibility with each other if combined....that is more what I am trying to find.out.
Can’t speak for the kit you’re using as I don’t know it, but one of my first brews was an extract American Pale Ale with Cascade and Amarillo as the late addition hops and the flavour was excellent.

Can’t comment on Chinook ad I haven’t used but cascade / Amarillo together for a flavour / aroma addition should work a treat 👍
Apols, I must've glossed over the "kit" bit.

Will leave for others who brew kits more regularly than me to give better advice, but have you considered a hop tea as well as a dry hop?
Personally I would dry hop first batch with option B.
Then judge the result before deciding what to do with the rest.
C. Cascade makes a brilliant smash.
You could do a 30m gentle boil.
0m 20g bittering
15m 30g Aroma
Then 40g hop stand @ 80c for 30m
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I am making 3 Simply 1.8kg Pale Ale Extract kits which I got along with 1kg free Brewing Sugar in a good deal for £10.81
I also bought 100g each of Amarillo, Cascade & Chinook

Just wondering if anyone has ever made an ale specifically using these 3 hops and if so how did it turn out?
I have 3 options basically.
a. Use each hop (100g) individually
b. Use all 3 (33g)in equal measure in each of the 3 brews
c. Use 1 as a smash (100g) and the other two with (50g) each

any feedback and suggestions will be greatly appreciated ty.
Personally I would dry hop first batch with option B.
Then judge the result before deciding what to do with the rest.
They would work well together in my opinion.

Chinook at FWH, Cascade for flavour (say 20-30 minutes), Amarillo at flameout. Then dry hop with a combination of all three (perhaps using a touch less of the Chinook as it can be quite aggressive).

That should give you a nice combination of West Coast flavours - pine, grapefruit, and orange.

Plus what Pilgrim said about checking the IBUs.
🤣 🤣🤣 What ever happened to make beer taste like beer and not a kiddies alcopop... Amerkins aye what they know about making beer you could get on the back of a penny black and still have plenty of room left 🤣
🤣 🤣🤣 What ever happened to make beer taste like beer and not a kiddies alcopop... Amerkins aye what they know about making beer you could get on the back of a penny black and still have plenty of room left 🤣
That's not where I thought you were going...

What ever happened to making beer from a recipe and then get the ingredients 👍🏻
Nah but lets have a look at a couple of brewers beers you could be drinking instead of Merkin alcopop brew pish.

This one sounds nice.
A full-bodied blonde beer brewed with Golden Promise barley malt, Strisselspalt hops from Alsace, and UK-grown Minstrel, Cascade and Chinook hops.

It’s an easy-drinking beer with floral and grapefruit aromas, spiced orange on the tongue followed by aromatic citrus hop flavours to finish.


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I have dry hopped extract kits before with to me decent results.. I am more interested in the three hops I have at moment cascade, chinook, amaryllis and there compatibility with each other if combined....that is more what I am trying to find.out.
They're all classic West Coast-y hops, that were frequently blended for early-noughties-style West Coast IPAs. So don't worry about them being "compatible".

However since their flavour is mostly terpenol-based, you will get more flavour out of them in the whirlpool at 80C rather than as a dry hop, you need the temperature to extract the flavour.

So it depends what you're interested in - if you don't know them as individual hops, then add them separately rather than as a blend. Otherwise you could blend them and split them in 3, use one as a dry hop, one in the whirlpool, and one split across both stages.

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