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  1. I

    First WOW and First Rhubarb and First Peach

    Hiya folk's, that's the peach re.racked,well first rack any way,just need's topping up,load's of sediment of the canned peach's,will top up leaveing a bit of space for the back sweetening,did'nt smell very peachy,more alchol than anything else,though my sense of smell is very...
  2. I

    W O W,took the plunge

    Well that's the Peach WOW,just done the first rack,will top up when the water cool's off,lot of sediment from all the peach's that went in,she has been quiet for a week or more,so should be finished, followed the step's to kill off the yeasties,so now it's back to the waiting game,still got 3...
  3. I

    W O W,took the plunge

    Yep, good advice,i will have to make do with last year's sloe vodka and shnapps,still got s few bottle's of that left, Ian
  4. I

    W O W,took the plunge

    Well did the re rack and back sweeten'd them last night,clear as a bell,will be giving them the taste test tonight. Peach wow is bubbling away,lava lamp style,cant wait to get a taste of that one in a week or two Happy day.s Ian
  5. I

    First Peach WOW

    Well it has'nt went ballistic on me,but she is fair bubbling along,keep's the dog amused,she keep's wandering over for a look. so first sign's are good. Ian
  6. I

    First Peach WOW

    Thank's to Glyders post earlier,i got the urge for a Peach WOW, Just finished her,got her settled on the floor,just hope i have left plenty space at the top, look's a lot thicker than my other WOW's,look's like it could go ballistic on me. i await the result,here is a pic before i settled her...
  7. I

    First WOW and First Rhubarb and First Peach

    Hiya,yep i will be adding 1 ltr of wgj to the brew,just popping peach's in instead of the orange juice,had a wee sample of one of my other wow's,wore lass and the daughter gave it the thumb's up,so backsweeten in the morn when i re rack it,,job's a good un. Ian The peach WOW is now in the...
  8. I

    First WOW and First Rhubarb and First Peach

    HI,these Asda peach's are showing 14.00 g per 100g,that works out a t36g per tin going to put the 3 tins in and a wee bit less sugar,as per Moley's wow recipe,brewing tonight i hope. Ian
  9. I

    First WOW and First Rhubarb and First Peach

    Well i got back to Asda this morn,3 tin's of the peach's now in my possesion,will get that peach wow on the go as soon as i get some time and space. have to re rack my first 3 wow's this week they are looking good,need to back sweeten a wee bit,then see how long it last's when the wife and...
  10. I

    Real Mans Shaving - Double Edge Razors

    Hiya,i am about to try some vintage razor's,just ordered my B.Y tv special from the states along with a slim,,just need a fatboy to add,then that will be it i hope,be hard to get a 1958 fatboy, See i told you it get's addictive,real good shave's and plenty bit's to play around with...
  11. I

    Real Mans Shaving - Double Edge Razors

    Here is a link to a great site,lot's of info and advice, mind you it can become a bit addictive,i just been on last night and ordered up a couple of razor's from the usa,fella on the Badger & Blade forum,try plenty of blades as they are all dif in dif razor's,and every body is different,ime...
  12. I

    First WOW and First Rhubarb and First Peach

    Hiya Ben,thanks for the info,will be back at asda on thurs morn,get stocked up for a sat morn brew time,at least i know where all the gear is now,they keep bliddy moveing stuff around up there, really got a fancy for the blood orange and pomegranite,with red grape juice,will be a couple on the...
  13. I

    First WOW and First Rhubarb and First Peach

    hiya,can you remember what sise cans you used for the peach,just been to asda and they only had small cans of peaches in, just got me some blood orange and pomegranite,and some red grape juice to try.and a ltr of pomegranite to go with the wgj,should be interesting...
  14. I

    W O W,took the plunge

    Hiya.just had a look at them,they are putting down another sediment allready,probs due to the way drained em off last night. think i will follow Moleys way in the WOW thread,and use melted sugar.see how they turn out.then at least i have a guide for my next couple of go's. i have to pop a...
  15. I

    W O W,took the plunge

    Hiya motomaniac, How did you back sweeten your's.did you use sugar or wgj.was wondering if there is any difference between the two.did you b/s when you did your first rack, ? i cant wait to get a taste of mine. Ian
  16. I

    W O W,took the plunge

    Hiya.i let the wife sample it.and she said it was too dry,so will add some boiled sugar to try make it to medium for her.though i have some wgj,so might try that. still wondering what to put down next.a trip to the local shops might be on the cards this week me think's...
  17. I

    W O W,took the plunge

    Well thats the first 3 WOW'S first rack,they seem to be quite clear,but added all the bit,s just to make sure All 3 were at steady 0.999 so i think i will have to back sweeten up to a nice medium, got plenty room in the new container,s, It's fingers crossed now,be patient and see how they turn...
  18. I

    First WOW and First Rhubarb and First Peach

    Hiya,does it have a strong peach flavour or just a nice hint.i like my peach flavour :) .i need to get the hydrometer on mine me thinks. Ian
  19. I

    Real Mans Shaving - Double Edge Razors

    hiya curryholic,i went for the timor aswell in gunmetal, :thumb: got me some ARKO soap this week aswell,a new badger brush on its way from abroad, i had my first shave useing the timor blade suplied with the razor,spot on felt great,tried a second shave with the blade,no good,felt blunt,will...
  20. I

    First WOW and First Rhubarb and First Peach

    hiya Ben,it sounds spot on my first 3 are pottering along been down a week but it is a bit colder up here at the mo,so that has slowed them down a bit, really tempted by the peach,but i will hang back to see how my first 3 turn out,need to check mine but cant find a turkey baster any where...