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  1. P

    Sainsbury red grape juice

    I've never had a problem getting red grape juice in our local supermarkets ............ until last week. Can't get it for love nor money now! Tescos have restocked the shelves with other juices with no space at all for RGJ. Don't know if that is a permanant thing or if they are just making use...
  2. P

    rubber nozzle(?)

    I am led to believe that a 1/2 inch electrical grommet readily available at electrical factors (or 1/4 the price on eBay) may be just the ticket.
  3. P

    Laughable First Attempt

    :D OK, so it isn't quite that simple, but it really isn't difficult. Can't be as even I have made a decent job of it. :lol: Have a read of the threads mentioned above, Chippys WOW thread is a gem especially. You will need to spend a few quid on essentials for your first brew, but after that...
  4. P

    racked my wow, needs topping up?

    I suspect that the flavour won't have changed much, if at all, but the ABV will be slightly lower. All part of the learning curve anyway. :thumb:
  5. P

    racked my wow, needs topping up?

    I guess drinking it would be the answer for most, but, bizarrely, I don't really like wine that much. I shall have to start amassing some smaller PET bottles for the purpose. Cheers guys. :thumb:
  6. P

    racked my wow, needs topping up?

    On a parallel note, can you keep a half bottle? Is there not all the risks of oxidisation etc? Or am I just being a pussy willow newbie without a clue? :lol:
  7. P

    White grape, pear and apple wine

    There seems to be a RGJ shortage in our town at the moment. I went round every supermarket in town this morning and there was not a single carton to be found. :(
  8. P

    Demijohn Crates ?

    I see where you are coming from, good idea. :thumb:
  9. P

    Demijohn Crates ?

    I don't know if anything like that is available commercially, but I would have thought that any amatuer/hobby woodworker could knock some up without any problems at all. Old fork lift pallets spring to mind as a cheap and cheerful material.
  10. P

    Vimto TC

    I did an easy white with apple juice that went nuts like that. Started glugging within 15 minutes of putting the yeast in. Maybe it's the apple juice? I can see I'm going to have to have a go at one of these TCs.
  11. P


    I came across this t'other day, though I'm damned if I can remember where now! Don't know if it helps anyone. Blackberry Wine Recipe Ingredients: 2½ lb blackberries ½ lb sultanas Campden tablets 2 lb sugar Wine yeast Nutrient Water Method: Strip and rinse...
  12. P

    How many gallons of Wine, Cider + Misc in 2013?

    I wasn't sure either, but apparently it is when you start the brew. :thumb: Anyhoo, I shall add 1 gallon "chardonnay" from a kit, 1 gallon of WOW and 1 gallon of apple wine to the total. Forum Totals: 417.3 Wine 175 Cider 45.36 Misc
  13. P

    Isinglass wine fining gel

    Do you really need to ask? :lol:
  14. P

    Munstons Premium Cellar Merlot ABV Worries

    This seems to be the general vibe everywhere, that Wilkinson are no longer dealing with Muntons. :(
  15. P

    Using Sparking Water in your brews...

    That other thread seems encouraging. I reckon I would be prepared to give it a go considering the costs involved as worst cae, it isn't a big loss.
  16. P

    need help with measuring out sugar....

    Sounds about right to me! Froth and bubbles usually seem to be the accepted indicator that it is working. :thumb:
  17. P

    G'd Evenin'

    Thanks Joe. :cheers: The chardonnay kit is now going like a moped! Room temp is still around 26 degrees, so I expect the liquid temp will be a few degrees cooler. Based on that I will leave it to its own devices for a few days and see how it goes.
  18. P

    G'd Evenin'

    Thanks Dennis. That is really quite obvious isn't it, trust me to miss it! :lol: Ultimately I would like to make some beer, probably lager, but for a first foray I felt more comfortable with wine.
  19. P

    G'd Evenin'

    Hello everyone! Pete is the name, a complete and total newbie to all things home brew. I have done some reading around t'interwebs and decided to start without too much ambition so today I started a Better Brew Chardonnay kit going, just a 6 bottle jobbie as (perhaps prardoxically) I am not a...