apricot wine from dried fruit

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Active Member
Aug 10, 2009
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bradford west yorks
just discovered that my local asian supermarket sells bags of dried apricots will these be any good for winemaking ? if so whats the best way to go about it and what else would you suggest to add
Loosely based on CJJB's recipe from “First Steps” and slightly ‘tweaked’:

Dried Apricots, 2 lbs
Wheat (or pearl barley), 1 lb
Sugar, 2 lbs
White Grape Juice, 1 litre
Citric Acid, 2 tsps
Grape Tannin, 1 tsp
Water to 1 gallon
Yeast, Nutrient, Pectolase

Cut up the apricots, soak overnight in 1 litre of cold water. Add 2 litres of cold water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 30 minutes then strain without pressing. Add the sugar, citric and wheat/barley and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Add grape juice. When cool enough, add the yeast, nutrient and pectic enzyme. Ferment in a lidded bucket in a warm place for 3 weeks, stirring daily. Strain to a demijohn, top up with cooled, boiled water. Ferment out. Rack, fine, filter and bottle as appropriate.

I really must stress that this is only a suggestion of what I would do if I was starting this now, but it should be borne in mind that I have been drinking Wurzel's Orange (or pink variants thereof) on an empty stomach and am currently p!$$ed as a f4rt. :drunk:
I`ve made apricot wine before - quite a simular recipe to the one above and it turned out really nice - so much so that i`ve got 3kg of dried apricots to get a few more gallons on - my recipe had raisins in it and i didn`t use the wheat!
Ok, it's morning and I'm sober but I will stick with what I said above.

Quite a few of CJJB's recipes include wheat or barley but they can probably be regarded as optional ingredients. If you left it out you would only need to strain once and it could go straight into a DJ, but don't overfill.

Rick used raisins, I've suggested grape juice. Use either but not both. If you used chopped or minced raisins it would probably need about 5 days in a bucket and then the second straining.

On the subject of grain, I did try adding some crushed pale malted barley to a carrot whisky as an experiment (and because I had got some left over from an AG brew). That is now clear, mellowing nicely and is tasting very promising indeed, so I will experiment a bit more widely. However, although it would be drinkable now, at 19% abv I'm intending to leave it for at least another 6 months before I bottle. It will be fantastic by next Christmas.

Footnote, November 2012:
As this nearly 3 year old topic has just been linked to a new question I must contradict that last paragraph. Do not use malted barley. Some very strange flavours began to emerge as that wine matured and it ended up down the drain.