Braumeister boil rate

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Active Member
Sep 16, 2016
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Pretty specific equipment question...
I use a Braumeister 20L, I have the straightjacket and steel hood for it. During the boil, I use the hood but have found that I have to stay close by because after a couple of minutes with the hood on, my gentle rolling boil turns into a foaming beast that climbs out of the steel dome and dribbles down the sides. Remove the hood and it calms back down. Is that too aggressive a boil? Should I turn it down a little?
You need ventilation. This releases gasses that you don't want in beer. That's why we go for 60 minutes. That's a safe amount of time to boil off all the bad stuff. You can push it down to 45 minutes but your really on the edge by then.
I'm toying with the idea of cutting a 10 cm vent hole in the lid of my boil kettle. This should keep heat but let out the gasses.
Im talking about this

- it's a proper Braumeister part, designed for venting the gases. I was wondering if anyone else had experienced the same vigour and if a boil can be too vigourous.
Im talking about this

- it's a proper Braumeister part, designed for venting the gases. I was wondering if anyone else had experienced the same vigour and if a boil can be too vigourous.

I would try a test of boiling with no jacket and a lid. And then a jacket and no lid. And see how vigorous your boil is.

I've found that putting an old coat around my BM makes a huge difference to how strong the boil is. As it was quite weak last weekend. Particularly considering how cold it is out side at the moment I think that might help too see which is the best combo based on temps outside.

A vigorous boil is the best. Just not so vigorous it boils over [emoji6]

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I'll try your suggestion next. My attempt at cooling the froth by blowing on it as it spewed forth from the hood left me giddy :lol: