Brewnight: Classic apple TC

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Left it for a few weeks in the warm when I was away on hols and it's nice and clear now and probably a bit over fizzy 😀!AqD9OOcGhweskwFqFG3Q07VAdBrI

Still prefer a flavoured one though on reflection, but will probably drop the pectolase from now on and just leave it conditioning for the extra week

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That looks good Roddy, I have my last batch of plain TC that I have only sampled one from so I'll have to put some in the fridge for later. :thumb:
Rethink on pectolase... although the cider appeared to be clear, it's got just a hint of opacity

Enough for me to change my view and continue to use it anyway 😃

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Nope, I'll give it another month in the bottles and if nature doiesn't perform a miracle I'll just dump it.
Time really is the great healer, Started drinking mine a couple of weeks ago and it's lush. The strange odour has gone and now it's pin sharp, crystal clear, and dry as a bone, just how I like it.

Tastes more appley than any commercial cider I ever drank. Def going to be making more of these.

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