Bulldog, Evil Dog Double IPA

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this has been in the cornie now since 30th October and nightly I have been tucking in to a small glass around 100ml maybe a tad more,its a fantastic brew and I cant see it hanging around until the new year anyway heres my small glass full
Would I brew it again? You bet I would,would I reccomend it? If you like AIPA certainly,mks out if ten?easily a full 9

What psi did you carb it up to and for how long. Looks like a nice head. 👍👍🍺🍺
This brew is in a cornie with a 3/8 beer outline around 4 foot long as I always had loads of trouble with the foaming glass when it was a 3/16 beer outline,I gassed it up to 25psi and its loads better serving now,been gassed up for about 2 weeks although its been kegged since Oct 30th as I had loads of trouble with the gas in valve and must gave had the lid off 3 or 4 times before curing it,done it no harm though luckily its ace
This brew is in a cornie with a 3/8 beer outline around 4 foot long as I always had loads of trouble with the foaming glass when it was a 3/16 beer outline,I gassed it up to 25psi and its loads better serving now,been gassed up for about 2 weeks although its been kegged since Oct 30th as I had loads of trouble with the gas in valve and must gave had the lid off 3 or 4 times before curing it,done it no harm though luckily its ace

I've built myself a kegorator. But I don't think the brew will be ready in time for Xmas. I will just have to settle for the desperado clone and mango and raspberry cider going through the pumps.
I was hoping to carb it to about the low 1s then serve it through a cream flow nozzle at around 25psi with mixed gas to get the cascading effect.
Well co2 it to about 1.1/2lb. Pushing mixed gas at 30psi through a cream flow tap. It looks good to me. I'm sure it will go done well over Xmas along with desperado clone and youngsters mango and raspberry cider.

I have done this kit. Left it nearly three weeks in the bucket added the hops around day fifteen after twenty days transferred into a pressure barrel to clear down even further. Bottled from the pressure barrel. Tried it the other day after about three weeks in the bottle. Oh my god it's lovely and very strong. I will be getting more.
Had a little taste last night after 2 weeks bottled.... strong does not really describe it lol... tastes good too....
Just drank my first bottle of this, 3 weeks in the fermenter, hops in for 2 days as the leaflet said. Great hoppy smell when it came to bottling, been in the bottle 3 weeks nice and clear but no hop aroma or taste, all in getting is an almost toffee flavour. Gutted
Hi folks,
I've had this on the go since jan the 13th. 2 weeks exactly. It started at 1.068 and has sat at 1.012 for the last 2 days. It's been kept at 21 degrees in the boiler cupboard.
I haven't added my tea bags or whatever's in the 2 foil packs yet. It seems that adding them late helps disguise the taste of alcohol by maximising the hops aroma.

So this stuff is super cloudy still. Should I put it in the cold to clear for a bit before I bottle, or will that not leave enough yeast to work on the sugar?

Should I boil the teabags in water before I had them?

If I add water to bring the abv down to 5 or 6% can I still test its alcohol with the hydrometer? (I'm only suggesting this because I'll be greedy and get wrecked too quickly)

Thanks in advance if anyone has advice.


just a quick question before I kick this one off - are peeps pitching the yeast in water before hand or just sprinkling yeast on top of initial wort?

Heard generally better to activate yeast in water (150ml approx of 20-25degree) first and leave for 30mins before pouring in.

Thoughts on this

As ever thanks in advance

In theory you can do either, but in practice I've nearly always activated in a drop of cooled, previously boiled water containing some sugar or DME. Left it to start bubbling (around 20-30 mins) and then pitched into my wort.
This was my second brew, and lot more successful than the first.
OG 1061, FG 1006, brewed as per destructions. Pitched a bit high, at 29C, on 13th Sep, then kept steadyish around 18-22C, as I hadn't got my water bath / aquarium heater set up at the time. Dry hopped on the 1st Oct, bottled on the 3rd, after batch priming with 85g dextrose, managed to get 40 x 500ml. Didn't rack to secondary, so my gentle stir stirred up a bit of sediment. Lesson learnt. Couldn't resist a cheeky one on the 11th Oct, had cleared mostly but lots of raw alcohol taste and very yeasty. Tasted worse than the trial jar! Moved to the cold on the 16th. Tried it every week or so and showed only small improvements, until about 6 weeks after bottling when the raw alcohol taste started to subside and it started getting a decent head. Was still a bit yeasty, but crystal clear, delicious and lethal. I never really got the massive hop hit I was expecting, but it started to come through and the bitterness became more pronounced after 2 months in the bottle when the yeasty taste really receded. Now, after 4 months, it really is a spectacular brew. Light, fruity, refreshing. It just slips down, and you'd never guess it was 7.5%. Took a while to get there, but now I understand the hype. Wish I had more than my last 11 left.
Is a good kit this and does take its time to get sorted. Was my first kit so did it to the letter of the instructions. I kegged mine and turned out good but it is looney juice! Lethal stuff.
Recently finished fermenting this. Ended up around 8.4% having left it for around 3 weeks to get a stable FG reading.

Transferred to a PB with priming solution last weekend, question is how long should I be looking at leaving it in the warm for before moving it somewhere colder? It's certainly gassed up to the point the barrel is bulging. Not sure if I should leave it for longer in the warm or move it somewhere colder now...

Have to say I'm not overly impressed so far, it has a fairly unpleasant bite to it.

I hope so! As I say mines only been in the PB a week in the warm.

Given that it's so gassed up I'm not sure if it's right to leave it in the warm doing it's thing for a bit longer or move it out to the garage in the cold now?
As an update... Mine was in the FV for around 3 weeks and ended up at 1006 FG. When i tried a sample post-fermentation it had a very unpleasant sour/sharp taste. I put it in a PB 2 weeks ago and it's been sat in the warm for the duration.

Trying a sample now it still seems to have a strong sharp/alcohol almost sour flavour to it.

I'm hoping this will clear up as i followed the kit instructions to the letter, and sanitised well. Got a Wherry on the go at the moment in the same FV without issues following the same process.

I'm planning to move this out to the garage to try and cold condition it to see if it improves. Leaving it in the warm for two weeks seems to have done nothing to help the flavour (it seems well carbed at least).