Coopers Dark Ale - Original Gravity Issue!

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New Member
Apr 15, 2013
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Hope someone can put me at ease or give me a pointer.

This is my second go at home brewing from a kit. My first was a Coopers Australian Lager that came with my starter kit. That went reasonably well, with expected Hydrometer readings.

However, 3 days ago I started of a Coopers Dark Ale Kit using the Coopers Brew enhancer 2.

I followed the instructions, mixing the extract with the sugar in 2 litres of hot water and then topping up to 23 litres at around 24 Deg C.

I then took a hydrometer reading which I recorded as 1025. I then pitched the yeast and left it to it.

Then today (day 3) I started thinking about it, and thought..... 1025 is a bit low for original gravity? What could be the problem?

I've checked the hydrometer with water and it does seem to sit less than 1000, about 4-5 notches.

The beer however does seem to be moving along nicely nice ring of Krausen and plenty of foam.

I've even sanitised a long plastic spoon and just scraped the bottom of the fermenter to check that loads of sugar wasn't sitting at the bottom and all seems fine.

I took a sample from the tap and measured that in the hydrometer and it was at about 1015 today.

Any suggestions on what I should do, or what I may have done wrong, would be appreciated.

1kg of brew enhancer 2

I've just checked hydrometer again with water. I was mistaken, it's not just 4-5 steps out. It appears to sit about 14 steps less than 1000!

I think it may be faulty!!! It's a plastic one that came with the starter kit, and it does rattle a bit? Would you recommend a glass one?

Also do you think there's a chance I could have infected my brew by dipping that spoon in?
It does sound like hydrometer problems. When you test your hydrometer in water it is important to test it at the correct temperature. It should have a temperature rating on it if not they are usually around 20c so try it in water at this temp. If it is out then add or deduct this error from your OG and this will give u a good indication of what your OG really was. If it is your hydrometer that is at fault it may be worth purchasing a new one, Wilkos do glass ones for about £3

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