Covid the jab and the final stage.

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Staff member
Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
SWMBO is a front line worker (carer) she has had the first jab and is now tested twice a week she also has the lateral flow test with the results showing 30 minutes after the test whenever she goes to work on the other days, there are no cases of Covid where she works and there hasn't been for quite a while.

I am hoping as a front line worker my turn will come soon my age will also help, its not often i am glad i am an old fart. :laugh8:
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There "will be no interruption" to UK vaccine supplies, Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove has said, after the EU urged AstraZeneca to supply it with doses from UK plants.

"It is the case that the supplies that have been planned, paid for and scheduled should continue," he added.

The EU and AstraZeneca are involved in a row over vaccine supply shortage

Full article - Covid: UK vaccine supplies 'won't be interrupted' - Gove
I've not had a day off since this all started
Apart from 2 weeks booked off during first 2 lockdown lol
I sanitize wear a mask
And generally stand aside when strangers approache
If you are aware and do what u can I think we will all be ok
The press really are dreadful

A story on BBC "news" today

Social media has a negative effect on the mental health of young people

When you look at the facts - as scant as they are in the article - poor mental health and use of social media correlate

Correlation does not mean that one thing causes another - however what the headline says is that social media causes poor mental health

If we look at the level of banana consumption and the incidence of rape in the US in the 1920s they correlate exactly - does that mean that one causes the other?

I wish we had intelligent, unbiased press - but we don't
I try my best to avoid the news.
Take that factory across from where I work thats processing the vaccine where they had the suspicious package incident...a few days earlier it was reported in the press that the factory was in a danger of flooding blah blah blah and the vaccine would be blah blah blah...because the factory was so close to the river Dee and it had burst it's banks blah blah blah...
Complete tripe...the Dee is miles away and Noah would need to be in his ark...
There "will be no interruption" to UK vaccine supplies, Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove has said, after the EU urged AstraZeneca to supply it with doses from UK plants.

"It is the case that the supplies that have been planned, paid for and scheduled should continue," he added.

The EU and AstraZeneca are involved in a row over vaccine supply shortage

Full article - Covid: UK vaccine supplies 'won't be interrupted' - Gove
But can you really believe anything that Michael Gove says - or the media for that matter
Have any members had the vaccine, which one did you have and how did it go?
A fourth vaccine could be ready to go anytime soon its the American novovax vaccinec which is made in Teeside.

Someone send me this on Whatsapp.. something to lighten the mood.
SWMBO had a sore arm but nothing more some of her workmates have had a bad time and she believes it's the ones that have had covid and who are now back at work that are suffering most.
Got mine tomorrow which is a big thing for two reasons, I'm "clinically extremely vulnerable" and I hate needles 😄 I really need to man up! No idea which version I'm getting until tomorrow. Not that old either (48) but I'll be glad when I'm fully dosed up.

'Er indoors had hers this week as she is a carer for Age UK so therefore probably not a good idea to give some old granny Covid 😁 She had the Oxford/AstraZenenca job, sore arm after, a restless night of feeling a bit feverish, and a bit lacking in energy the next day but over it now.
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