Double stout attenuation

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Active Member
Apr 4, 2012
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Hi again,

Brewed a double stout with this recipe 3 weeks ago

double stout

Original Gravity (OG): 1.082 (°P): 19.8
Final Gravity (FG): 1.020 (°P): 5.1
Alcohol (ABV): 8.18 %
Colour (SRM): 48.5 (EBC): 95.5
Bitterness (IBU): 70.8 (Average)

72% Maris Otter Malt
7% Roasted Barley
5% Chocolate, Pale
5% Flaked Barley
5% Vienna
3% Candi Sugar, Amber
3% Wheat Malt, Dark

5 g/L Summer (6.5% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil)
0.3 g/L Summer (6.5% Alpha) @ 30 Minutes (Boil)

Single step Infusion at 66°C for 90 Minutes. Boil for 60 Minutes

Fermented at 20°C with 2 packs so4

Recipe Generated with BrewMate

So far this has got down fronm 1.082 to 1.024.
Do you think its stuck???
Thanks for your help.
It tastes excellent already! Think summer is an excellent hop for stouts etc.. :drink: :drink:
Have you temp corrected your hydrometer reading? Could easily equate for the last few points. As could impatience - the last push can be a long one! How long has it been there? You're not far off - with that OG you're looking at a high FG as i'm sure you know, but how high is the question :wha:

Looks nuts, hope you enjoy it! :eek:
Thanks for the reply.
Both hydro readings taken at room temp so hopefully correct. There is some carbonation so have let it settle out and double ckecked for accuracy. I am in south london so hopefully the water profile is good.
You really cant taste the alcohol at the mo.
Hope its good after a couple of months in the bottle.
Do you think I should leave it for another couple of weeks??
Thanks again
I would try rousing the yeast but by the looks of it you are about 4 points short. I had a barley wine of similar gravity which went down to 1012 but I used the yeast cake from a 1050 gravity bitter which had sat in the fridge for 3 weeks. after it fermented i dropped it in a second FV for bulk maturation for 2 months before bottling, however that was autumn and temps were lower. I wouldn't bottle until you are absolutely sure that it has stopped fermenting as you would have some hefty bottles bombs if it carried on fermenting in the bottle.

How long are you planning on maturing for. My barley wine won't be ready foer at least another 6 months then it will be about 16 months old. I have sampled it and it does taste good though
Looking to drink/give as prezies for christmas so it will have 6 months or so to mature. I also have made a RIS which should have a abv of 12% using wlp 530 brewed last weekend. Hoping to Brett that as a bit of an experiment
Back on subject though, should I be worrying about infection as long as I sanitize my paddle if I rouse? I also read somewhere about feeding the yeast with boiled sugar solution????
Any help from those more experinced is much appreciated :cheers:
At 1024 it is upto 7.7% i think most things would struggle to live in that, however I still think you need to give it a rouse, it may take a while to drop the last few points depending on how healthy the yeast is. What was your brew length as if it was more than 30l then you may have under pitched and the yeast may have got stressed.
I'll give it a rouse as suggested and check next weekend.
Thanks again

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