Fermenting Bucket Lid

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Active Member
Feb 24, 2021
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Quick question .How long to the snap on lids usually last for on the 23 litre buckets ?.I got mine from brew to bottle but dont think the snap curl up bit last for very long .just curious as to whether to order another lid
I have had the same richies FV for several years and its still airtight, the rule of thumb is if you have to fight to get the lid off it'll be a good one.

Ones with ridges like this around the edge are the ones to go for they are much better than the floppy ones -

Just to be awkward....
I brew only beer and I don't care if my lids don't seal fully. I actually unseal part of the edge as I hate using an airlock for beer. I also prefer the flexible lids for this reason.

If I was making wine, my decision would be the opposite to the above as I would want to use an airlock.

Oh, and the lid lasts as long as the fv which can be years