First BIAB brew day

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Jul 16, 2016
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Just got done with my Spiced Sorta Porta. My first all grain BIAB. It's a 3 gallon brew. Found out two things: my stove can barely boil 4ish gallons and my 5 1/2 gallon pot is two small even for a 3 gallon batch. And I lost my mind a couple times, forgot to add my gypsum. Forgot to sanitize my thermometer for after boil readings. Oh well, if the beer turns out crappy at least all is not lost-I'm gonna have lots of dog biscuits!

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Congrats on your first AG, forgetting the gypsum is not the end of the world and I wouldn't worry too much about not sanitising the hydrometer just treat it as a learning curve for next time, people have done much worse things and still made great beer, I hope it turns out well for you. :thumb:
Well done! :thumb: :thumb:

Don't stress yourself about the things that have gone wrong because it will probably turn out okay ...

... and if it doesn't you know where to start when you want to work out "Why?"

The hardest lesson is when you think you did everything right and then the brew goes bad. That hurts!
Gypsum is so important in brewing that I had to google what it is used for (other than making plasterboard). I wouldn't worry about it!
I'm not too worried. It only took 4 hours to start fermentation and it took off like a rocket.

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