Getting going!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2014
Reaction score
Rochester, Kent
Hello all!

After showing some interest in a brewing kit last year, the hint has worked and have been bought a starter brewing kit for Xmas...good old Santa!!

Really looking forward to getting going. Haven't been able to start yet as been away to my parents in Wales for New Year. Back now and itching to get going! Seems I already have the bug :)

I have been bought a Coopers European Lager Kit, so this will be my first brew. I've bought some Coopers Brew Enhancer 2 so am pretty much ready to get going.

I will no doubt have endless questions as things progress, but would just like some clarification of brewing temperatures for this brew. I have been granted a corner of worktop in the kitchen from the wife :thumb: I have done some temp checks in there. While the heating is on it reaches approx 21 degrees. I would estimate that overnight it probably drops to around 17 degrees. There is no radiator in our kitchen so it shouldn't suffer too much from huge temperature fluctuations.

Do these temperatures sound ok? I am currently trying to source a fridge to turn into a temperature controlled brewing cupboard. This may take me a few weeks to sort. Would I be better off waiting until I have the fridge set up, or shall I just crack on!? Would hate to waste a batch through impatience!

All opinions gratefully received!!


Hi and welcome. Your temperatures are around the upper and lower limits. Should be OK until you sort out some form of temperature control.
Thanks all...

And! Think I'll have to control the temperature of the kitchen for a while instead! Open windows in winter and keep the heating on slightly longer than normal...I'm going to be a soooo popular!! Haha!
Gethin79 said:
Back now and itching to get going! Seems I already have the bug
Welcome to the wonderful world of home brewing! Catching isn't it?

Those temperatures look pretty good to me. I used to worry about the temperature and measure it 3 times a day, until I realised its very forgiving. If its cool, it will take longer. I give mine 2 weeks anyway and double check with a hydrometer. If its too cold (below 15 degrees C), it might stall, but that's fixable, and none of mine have stalled yet, so I don't obsess over it. If its too warm, you might get off flavours, but I think you'd need to be over 25 degrees for that.

I now keep mine under the stairs with a tray heater and a couple of blankets.
Thanks for that. That gives me a bit more confidence to just get on with it!!

Going to start sterilizing shortly and will hopefully have a full fv by the end of the day!

Got my eye on a few fridges on eBay, hopefully one of those will come good soon!
Well...I now have a full fv.

Not sure how it's going to turn out as I had a few issues along the way! Firstly started off by measuring out pints instead of litres :doh: Then realised my kettle is full of limescale so ended up having to boil water in a pan. Nothing major. Then had a right mess about trying to get an accurate hydrometer reading. The froth at the top was making it really hard, but I think the start reading is 1.040.

Managed to get the start temp to about 21 degrees, so I'm happy with that anyway!

I think it's a case of practice makes perfect...still, time will tell!
Gethin79 said:
Well...I now have a full fv.
I think it's a case of practice makes perfect...still, time will tell!

The first time, I wrote down what I did, and wrote a revised list that I followed the second time. It'll feel easy once you've done a couple.

Water measurements
The boiling water measurements are "recommended minimums". I've been slightly short in the past and gotten away with it. If you have too much hot water, it will just take longer to cool before you can pitch the yeast.

You don't need to be accurate when topping up with cold water - you've got a marker on the side that's probably a bit approximate anyway. Many people deliberately put in less water (eg 20L instead of 23L) to get a stronger beer. This is called brewing "short". Extra water = "long".

Hydrometer reading
When I draw a sample, its usually very frothy. I leave it on the side and forget about it for a couple of hours, then the froth goes away. I don't sterilize my hydrometer so I can't pour the sample back in. It's a tiny amount so I just have my first taste!

My first brew
My hydrometer said not to bottle until the gravity had fallen to 1.006 or below. After 2 weeks it was at 1.008. I left it for another 2 weeks and it was still 1.008. Thinking it had gone wrong or gone off, I poured it away :doh: Now if the reading is over 1.012, I'll usually give it an extra few days - maybe a week, but provided it has been kept warm and the gravity hasn't moved between two readings taken 48 hours apart, I'll go ahead and bottle. Most of them are at 1.010 or 1.008. I think I bottled at 1.012 once, which I reckon is a little high, but I'll probably get away with it. Sometimes your kit will say what the final gravity should be.

There are a couple of brewing walkthroughs in the Beer Brewing How To Guides section - its very reassuring to see pictures.

Thanks for the tips!

I'm already staring at the bucket...even though I know nothing is going to happen yet!

One thing I have already learned is that I think I need to install a tap to my fv. That way I'll be able to draw off a testing sample easily. As it is now I have to remove the lid and put the hydrometer directly into the brew. Not ideal, as I will have to sterilize it every time.

Will update as things progress or if (when!) I have more questions! It's great knowing that help is only a quick message away! :cheers:

Here's to a few weeks waiting...

Thanks again.

Welcome! I am also fairly new. Had my first brew on the go for a few days and this forum has been an indispensable aid!

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