Ispindel Charging and temp variance

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The Baron

Staff member
Oct 13, 2013
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Hi as you may all know I am not the most technical person but have a little knowledge so reaching out to you experts.
1. which is the charging point on my ispindel, it has a connector at the top near the on and off switch and the same connector on the opposite side about a inch or so down ( do not want to put it in the one they use to flash the unit)
2. what type of charging cable do I need as none of my mobile phone leads have the same connector on the end/ I believe one should be a standard USB.
3. temperature is there a table or chart for SG Variance as when fermenting with Kveik it is at 40c and not the calibrated temp of 20c, it is showing OG of 33 when the actual OG is 40 so it is 6/7 points lower?
4. how do I alter the reporting interval as somehow it has changed from the standard 15 mins (900) to a hour or more and I can not seem to do it without going back to initial settings which I do not want to as it may need fully inputting again. Any reason as it is set at 900 but not changing the results every 15 mins as it was to start with but over a hour?
Lots of questions I know but I have faith in you lot
1 ). Charger point is the one nearest cap of petling.

2) You need charging cable same shape end as that connector near cap.
Usually it will be a flat D shape which is called micro usb. It will only go in one way the cable if this style.
Some are charged with USB type C, these are flat oval in view when seen end on. These can go in either way. This is less common style of charging for an ispindel.
3) You can do a temp offset I think in the configuration menu, but I wouldn't bother. You know it's about 6 points off just bear that in mind. You will find that your calibration wanders but if you know the offset even with cooler brews it will be fine.
I use brewspy and you can input a real og and it also displays the measured gravity. At the end you can 'lso input final gravity for the abv etc calculations.
So many things effect the ispindel not just temp but also pressure ( even atmospheric pressure changes), krausen. But the graph is very consistent so when it flattens out you are on the backend of ferment if you want to use this as indicator for spending or dry hop.
4) Does your ispindel software show voltage? If voltage is getting low ie less than 3.5 from memory it can start signalling less often.
Another thing is does it show signal strength? If signal from ispindel to WiFi is weak say -85dB then fewer signals get through. This can be problem in fridge, if signal is low can you move your WiFi router closer?
Finally to adjust the timing if above not a problem ( assuming you don't have a reed switch on your ispindel ). Reed switch is triggered by magnet, I have these on my ispindels but fitted them myself meaning I can adjust settings without opening.
You will most likely need to open your ispindel up and there will be a little switch that needs pressing a few times or use a metal something to " short" the two puns that are on some ispindels. This allows you to log into that ispindels network called ispindel on your phone or other device.
I think it's in configuration option,
Update interval if that is set at 3600 then adjust to 900
And press save.
If it was on 900 then look again at signal and battery.
Reseal it well sanitise and put it back in.

Hope this helps.
PS this forum has thread ispindel I think and US forum lots of pages is ispindle.
Absolutely brilliant answers, mine has the usb C type oval lead which I have just ordered one.
I will just leave it as is and use the 6 degree adjustment in my head.
Thankyou ever so much this has helped massively
I don’t usually take any notice of the actual reading and just focus on the trend and use a proper hydrometer for FG reading so never through about temp orrextion. Always assumed it was built in.

Usually it reads about 4 or 5 points high at the start of fermentation (compared to my refractometer reading which might be suspect in reality even though it’s calibrated with distilled water) but I calibrated the ispindel off the refractometer. However the gap tends to narrow so by the time FG is reached I’m usually pretty much Bob on or only a couple of points off the proper hydrometer reading.