Morgans Pacific Pale Ale 1.7kg Kit Can

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Apr 12, 2015
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North Sussex
This is the second review of three Morgans 1.7 kg kit cans I recently bought. The first is here review is for the Pacific Pale Ale from the Morgans Ultra Premium range, and currently sells for £12.95 in Brew2Bottle, although a few other suppliers stock it.
The can cover promises
A rich amber colour with a full malt character. A highly refreshing woodsy hop aroma and clean bite.
It is recommended that you use 1 kg of Morgans 'Booster blend'(alias Brew Enhancer), or 1.5kg Morgans Master Malt Extra Pale Ale (which turns out to be LME). I did neither, I made a mash of 1.5 kg Base Malt and used the wort from that after a 30 minute boil, with 20g Cascade US at 3 minutes to go. Topped up to 21 litres and OG measured at 1.041 which is more or less as estimated by the BF calculator.
So far so good.
However I had trouble with the first kit due to a stuck fermentation (which I eventually resolved) something others seem to have found. And I also believe all the Morgans kit yeasts are the same (unlike Coopers kits). So I had a dilemma. Use the 7g kit yeast or not? Initially I decided to use it and rehydrated the yeast in water. After 30 minutes I decided the yeast was in poor shape since there were few signs of activity, although the packet was stamped 12920 (12Sept20 ?)and the BB date of the kit was 22May22. So I abandoned it and use a rehydrated CML Midland yeast from my store. The difference in activity after 15 minutes of rehydration was really noticeable between the two yeasts. Anyway its all now in the water bath at 19.5*C, except for the Morgans yeast, which went down the sink.
Finally what I did notice on the can was a suggestion that I additionally use Morgans American Pale Ale yeast and extra hops to 'take my beer to the next level'. I'd rather be confident in the first place that its at a level where I can brew it without any concerns about duff yeast, and also why not supply the Pale Ale yeast as kit yeast if it transforms the kit. Clearly made to a price, perhaps to rival Coopers which is also Australian.
Updates in due course.
Reply received from Morgans today in response to a question about their yeasts

...the yeast with the Pacific and Frontier kits is similar to the one in the wheat yeast.
If you are brewing an ipa / pale the kit yeast should work, however upgrading the yeast to a Saf or similar will yield better results.

This confirms my suspicion that all their kit yeasts are probably the same, but more importantly even Morgans don't think much of them. Draw you own conclusions! So anyone buying a Morgans kit should be adding the cost of a better yeast as a replacement (unless you re-use trub), as well as the other adjuncts. In the UK Crossyloof Brewery do a good range of yeasts at a reasonable price, p&p is free, and there is a small forum discount.