Newbie from New Zealand

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Junior Member
Jul 4, 2017
Reaction score
Wellington, NZ
Greetings from the land of the long white cloud. UK Expat now in my 10th year here. Have been sampling great beers for a while but time has come to brew my own. I've got some pale ale (sorry, made from a starter kit), bubbling away in a cupboard, where it's probably a little too cool. Cheers
Welcome to the forum dblkayak. - that's quite a handle, can we call you db for short?
When I joined the forum I was never going down the AG route.........that lasted about 6 months! :doh:
Welcome! I've only spent a month in NZ but wow what a place, if circumstances were different for me then I'd seriously consider moving over there. Some good hops being grown and beer being made over there now as well as the wine.
Kia ora dblkayak! I spent over 6 years living in Wellington, any NZ related homebrew questions let me know. The Brewhouse on Riddiford St is an ace homebrew shop btw if you've not discovered it yet.
DB works, could even be short for Dominion Breweries, a well known though not always well loved name in beer in NZ! For a few of decades, there were only 2 breweries in NZ; thank god those days are over.
Greetings from the land of the long white cloud. UK Expat now in my 10th year here. Have been sampling great beers for a while but time has come to brew my own. I've got some pale ale (sorry, made from a starter kit), bubbling away in a cupboard, where it's probably a little too cool. Cheers

Good evening and welcome :thumb: Happy brewing