Self isolating.

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  • I would get paid

  • I wouldn't get paid

  • I could afford to take time off without pay.

  • I couldn't afford to take unpaid time off.

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Staff member
Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
1 - Would your boss pay sick pay?
2 - Could you afford to take unpaid time off?

1 - I am going to ask today.
2 - No.

I've been told to self isolate. Will I get paid if I'm not at work?

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has sent guidance to UK employers telling them staff who have been asked to self-isolate are entitled to take the time as sick leave.

Acas, the independent arbitration service agrees and has also published advice fr staff and employers

But senior adviser Michele Piertney told the BBC: "If a medical expert says we are putting you into quarantine then you... won't get sick leave as a matter of course."

If you can work from home, you may be able to carry on as normal, says Sarah Evans, employment law partner at JMW Solicitors. But shop and factory workers probably won't have that option.

Acas, says it's "good practice" for your employer to treat it as sick leave or agree for the time to be taken as holiday.

"Otherwise there's a risk the employee will come to work because they want to get paid," it says.

I think another choice should be put into the mix. -Would I be so selfish to risk infecting my work colleagues because I could't afford to quarantine myself.
What option do you have if you cannot afford to lose half a months pay, its a well known fact many families here have no savings the only other option would be to take annual leave providing you have enough left to do so.

Talking about selfishness what about people going on holiday and potentially bringing this back.
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Luckily I can work from home and that's our company's view on things if self isolation was needed. Whilst losing two weeks pay wouldn't be ideal I could manage it but as you say I'm sure many who live from one pay day to the next wouldn't be able to.

Really need to up my beer stocks just in case :D
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I think some of the coverage and attitudes being aimed at Coronavirus are frankly so far off being anything like measured and normal, that it's rapidly becoming a mass delusion!
Coronavirus and Influenza have similar death-rates. They are similarly infectious. You can argue the differences in various bodies statistics... but they are not hugely spread as a set. The mass wearing of facemasks is good for the facemask industry for sure, I'm sure some overnight millionaires are being created... but it will do virtually sod-all for protecting you from the virus. I saw a bloke on the tube last week who was wearing one. He stood holding on to the pole that thousands of other commuters had been holding that day, then raised his mask to reach into his mouth with the same hand and pick something out of his teeth! Instant transmission of anything on that pole!
People are NOT at more risk of dying of Coronavirus than they are of Flu. However most people claim Flu when they have a cold, or want a day or two off work. Real Flu is nasty! The 1918 pandemic killed 18% of victims, about 10-15 times more than other Flu outbreaks. I was unfortunate enough ten years back to get Swine-flu and it was appalling! It knocked me off my feet for two whole weeks, 8 days of which I was bedridden. I came as closer than any other point in my life to calling myself an ambulance due to breathing difficulties. A friend's son was put into a Coma (he survived btw) by Swine-flu.

So, my point of view? Yes Coronavirus is not going to be nice if you get it, but why aren't people as worried about Flu as they are Coronavirus? Why? Because they are badly, and negligently poorly informed about it. And the world's tabloid press loves to whip up a frenzy.
I'm an IT geek and pretty much WFH anyway.

Our (large IT) company have banned all travel to China, South Korea and specified areas of Italy, non-essential international travel and non-essential national business travel is minimised and subject to approval by our line manager.

Plus what said. so true mate.

People really panicking about it. But on self isolation, people on 0 hours contract probably will not, as it will cost them half month wages and most of people on such contracts cannot afford it.
I'm really surprised we did not have more cases so far, but I think it will come.
But ppl should really calm down.
Seems like people have got a lot more worried about it today in particular.
I can work from home, but if I couldn't (and not everyone I work with can), I'd be on statutory sick pay or be using my holidays up.
Got some worried looks in the pub last night as have developed cough, cold, hoarse voice.

"You feeling alright Horners?"

Me: "Nah not really felt right since I got back from Hong Kong"
I think some of the coverage and attitudes being aimed at Coronavirus are frankly so far off being anything like measured and normal, that it's rapidly becoming a mass delusion!
Spot on athumb..
There seems to be an increasingly more hysterical coverage of the coronavirus situation in the media. The BBC News site has multiple articles, and even a few pages on your ‘rights’ as a traveller, and a headline concerning coronavirus for pets aheadbutt. To my mind the authorities have so far got it under control, given it’s an unusual contagious virus. They don’t seem to be panicking. However although some poor souls have lost their lives because of it I’ll bet the number of babies being brought into the world every minute far outstrips those that move on overall including the coronavirus victim count. And even if you are unfortunate enough to get it the death rate is only about 2 % and that doesn’t take into account the victims state of heath before they got it. My only personal concern, although at present unlikely to affect me, is what happens if it gets to a place like Bangladesh or one of the poorer countries in Africa with poor medical facilities and communications to deal with it.

So is it just a media storm, or should we as part of the human race be bracing itself for a cull of biblical proportions, or put another way, are we all doomed?
I agree about flu I had it once when I was 19 floored me for a month never want it again, I have mild copd so I now get the flu jab I also don't want convid-19, but life goes on also the media are talking ******** half the time
My Mrs is a domiciliary care worker - if either one of the clients or a single member of staff get coronavirus then the business will instantly close down. End of job. That's official, from the boss.
BTW - big difference between the flu and coronavirus. Old codgers like me get a flu jab every year thus removing us from the chance of death, assuming the jab covers the right variety of flu of course. There's no jab for coronavirus. We're all doomed.
Surely sickness payment would cover it

Hahahaha. Great Joke.
We get SSP when we're ill. That's £95 or so a week. I'm not in a high paid job and work 40 hours a week. This is about 1/3 of my wage.
If i'm on this rate of pay for more than a week or so I'm up s**t-street.

I can only imagine how terrifying this is to casual workers, the self employed and people on zero hour contracts who potentially don't get the same protections I do when i'm ill.
I agree about flu I had it once when I was 19 floored me for a month never want it again, I have mild copd so I now get the flu jab I also don't want convid-19, but life goes on also the media are talking ******** half the time
If you have COPD and qualify for a flu jab due to age or circumstances you should also qualify for a one-time-only pneumonia jab
Surely sickness payment would cover it

I thought the same but didn't give the fact you are isolating yourself a thought, I guess as you'll have no sick note companies will wriggle out of paying you.
I will be seeing my boss in a few minutes so will find out if this has been discussed further up the ladder.
I think some of the coverage and attitudes being aimed at Coronavirus are frankly so far off being anything like measured and normal, that it's rapidly becoming a mass delusion!
Coronavirus and Influenza have similar death-rates. They are similarly infectious. You can argue the differences in various bodies statistics... but they are not hugely spread as a set. The mass wearing of facemasks is good for the facemask industry for sure, I'm sure some overnight millionaires are being created... but it will do virtually sod-all for protecting you from the virus. I saw a bloke on the tube last week who was wearing one. He stood holding on to the pole that thousands of other commuters had been holding that day, then raised his mask to reach into his mouth with the same hand and pick something out of his teeth! Instant transmission of anything on that pole!
People are NOT at more risk of dying of Coronavirus than they are of Flu. However most people claim Flu when they have a cold, or want a day or two off work. Real Flu is nasty! The 1918 pandemic killed 18% of victims, about 10-15 times more than other Flu outbreaks. I was unfortunate enough ten years back to get Swine-flu and it was appalling! It knocked me off my feet for two whole weeks, 8 days of which I was bedridden. I came as closer than any other point in my life to calling myself an ambulance due to breathing difficulties. A friend's son was put into a Coma (he survived btw) by Swine-flu.

So, my point of view? Yes Coronavirus is not going to be nice if you get it, but why aren't people as worried about Flu as they are Coronavirus? Why? Because they are badly, and negligently poorly informed about it. And the world's tabloid press loves to whip up a frenzy.
The article you link to says death rates flu 0.05% Covid 19 2.3% thats 46 times higher not similar.
The article you link to says death rates flu 0.05% Covid 19 2.3% thats 46 times higher not similar.

Todays stats -

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