St Peters Golden Ale review

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I see your eagerness to have everyone fill that thread :-D

Thing is, to have a top-5 you need to have tried at least say 10 kits, so you can have a top-5 and a bottom-5. I wonder how many reach that number, or are still writing here when they do?

I'm on #13 and have probably filled 4 of the Top-5 slots. I planned to add to the thread when I've pretty much exhausted the kits I want to try, best guess being a total of 20 kits, and that will be around early next year. Still, no harm in adding my say at this early stage, but I first need to check my notes :???:
I brewed St Peters Golden Ale as my second brew so thought I'd share my results.

OG was 1044, FG was 1012. 15 days in FV, 13 days in warm(ish...16 degrees), then put in the cold/garage. I got 35 bottles (500ml). I only used half of the hop sachet as wasn't sure I wanted so much bitterness.

I tried a sample a week in the cold (ie 3 weeks after bottling) and it was disappointingly flat, with no head to speak of although it tasted fine.

Left it for another two weeks and it's much better, get a decent head on it now and a decent drink, which has a good flavour and some hoppiness. From the comments, I guess this drink will get even better! :D

I'd definitely brew this kit again, although I was a little worried about it at first.

Also, as I was brewing in a cold kitchen, I used a brew belt which worked fine and kept the temp steady at around 20-21 degrees.
Thought I'd update this! I bottled St Peter's my first ever brew in mid October, tasted nov 6th and was happy but not blown away there was a twang and being my first brew I wasn't sure what everyone talked about when mentioning the homebrew twang!!

Anyway this has been in my shed in crates for nearly 3 months. Stupidly I have a fair few bottles away at xmas!

Just tried a bottle now and it's lost the twang and has become a great beer!!

Will do this again one day but lots of others to try first!!!
Just bottled the Youngs APA, I'm planning to do this kit next - would anyone advise swapping the yeast out for Safale s-04?

Or adding extra hops?

I've done this kit 3 times now and it was also one of my first brews, really enjoyed it but in the short time I've been brewing my tastes have changed. I like the hoppy flavoured beers now so the last St Peters Golden Ale tasted slightly bland and I really wish I had added some hops to it. Still a nice pint though.
Never had any problem with the provided yeast
Only hops I have at the moment are about 25g of Chinook pellets...could make something pretty special by adding it to this kit. How late to add the hops though?
I add my hops when the brew is down to 1010 and leave them in for 3 days then bottle up.
I'm fairly new to this but that seems to work OK for me
Right after the success of the first brew I'm planning this one again but thinking of leaving out the hop powder and dry hopping with 50-75grms of citra ! Never dry hopped before is that too much???? I do like it hoppy and love Oakham citra I've got 100grms sitting waiting to do something with
Apologies,having just checked it does indeed come with a 10g sachet of hop powder :oops:

No idea why but I don't remember it from the kits I've done, I blame the beer :D
So what do you think about dry hopping citra I've never dry hopped a kit and wondered if it's worth doing it to a St. Peter's or buying something like one of the simply kits and doing that???

Sure why not, many premium kits come with hops to bung in.

You said before you find it a bit bland and you know how this kit tastes when done straight so go for it, sounds like a good idea to me!! :cheers:
Hi I'm a complete novice to this, I have made 2 lots of wine from kits, 1 batch of cider and I have just kegged a batch of hammer of Thor.
I was looking at this kit as for valentines day my partner took me to a beer festival in Burton where we tried a Golden Ale that we both liked.
The one we enjoyed had a hint of coriander and I was wondering if i added crushed coriander seeds to the start for the ferment, If people who had tried this would think it would go with this ale?
Made this kit in April.

Left in FV for 2 weeks and bottled with carbonation drops.

I tried a bottle after 2 weeks conditioning and it had a odd taste to it - an almost sour finish.

Some guests have enjoyed it but I can never finish a whole glass.

I've tried a bottle every month since then and the flavour hasn't changed at all. I have poured a dozen bottles of this to re-purpose the bottles for some other brews which have all been so good they're already finished. I'm hanging on to the remaining bottles just in case they're drinkable in a few months.

I have presumed it isn't SPGA's fault but my own. I would consider doing this kit again but it won't be any time soon as I've moved on to extract recipe's which seem to bring the real body and bitterness I've come to expect from an ale.
Brew this a while ago to the instructions apart from only adding half of the hop enchancer. Final og came out at 1010 with an abv of around 5%. It took an absolute age to clear in the bottle and still isn't completely there, but all in all it tastes pretty good. Would I do it again? Probably not I think there are better kits out there for the money.

Just started one of these on saturday as per instructions. Slow to start but now has a krausen forming. OG of 1052. Looking forward to trying this one.
Made this to kit instructions 3 months ago for the first couple of months there was like a chemical taste but now that has completely gone and I'm left with a very easy to drink and pleasant tasting ale, I will make again but use spray malt instead of the sugar.