Stainless Mesh

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Jun 3, 2012
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need some mesh for my Deller hop strainer. I had some I thought I could use from the clay industry but it's really fine, perhaps 0.25mm aperture and i'm not certain of how clean I can get it. So I'm opting for buying some. My last hop strainer had 3mm holes drilled in it and it worked relatively well. If I could go smaller, say 2mm holes i'd prefer it so i got less hop matter through but don't want to get a blockage on a brewday.

So the question I'm asking is what 'micron' (?) mesh do I need?

The mesh company do an A4 sheet with 2mm aperture holes for £4.99 which is enough to do my hop strainer but if I buy 2 I get one free and that'd be enough to do my HopBack when I get round to making it.

So that's just over £12 including delivery.

Can anyone do better than that? Or perhaps point me in the direction of a more appropriate size/aperture?

I know Aleman had a link to a cheaper supplier that he sent me last year but I can't find the PM now.
Can anyone do better than that? Or perhaps point me in the direction of a more appropriate size/aperture?
If you intend using hop pellets at any point in the future you might consider going down to #40 mesh (0.22mm aperture) from the Mesh Company, that's pretty much the 'norm' for hop stoppers size wise, if considering pellet use and for total flexibility.

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