Stuff you used to drink.

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Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
I read a post a few minutes ago about lager tops and it reminded me of stuff we used to drink probably as was said in the thread lager was awful in those days so any addition made it better, what weird and wonderful concoction did you used to drink?

Snakebite (as we called it AKA Diesel) lager and cider and blackcurrant

One for the ladies - Blastaway - Castaway and diamond white.

I know this has been done before but we have a lot more new members in now so worth another go.

Snakebite is an alcoholic drink made with equal parts of lager and cider. Snakebite in the United Kingdom may be served with a dash of blackcurrant cordial, referred to as a snakebite and black. Stout may be used instead of lager in the United States. Snakebite and black is also known by the name diesel.
M&B brew 11. Springfield bitter.Highgate mild mixed with either of the other two
Pint of mixed please. :thumb:
I have also done the poor mans Black Velvet (Guinness and Cider) and a Black and Tan (Guinness and bitter?). In Sheffield they would have a Gold Label top if I remember correctly.
When i helped behind the bar at our local sports club on busy Saturday afternoons i was once asked for a pint of mixed which turned out to be half bitter & half lager apparently also known as golden or Mickey Mouse.
Pint of mixed please. :thumb:
I have also done the poor mans Black Velvet (Guinness and Cider) and a Black and Tan (Guinness and bitter?). In Sheffield they would have a Gold Label top if I remember correctly.

I think Guinness is the only drink i could not finish a pint of if it was free. :sick:
When i helped behind the bar at our local sports club on busy Saturday afternoons i was once asked for a pint of mixed which turned out to be half bitter & half lager apparently also known as golden or Mickey Mouse.
Yeah,lager and bitter we also call Micky mouse and on scorching hot days down the battle cruiser would often have that as my first drink to get the chill off the lager
When I was a crazed, skint alcoholic aeons ago I used to make two of the cheapest kits available every week to meet demand. Invariably ended up supping it way too early. Being s****y kits in the first place didn't help the carnage any. But I found that the addition of a drop of lemonade made them wonderfully potable. Nowt weird about that of course, but it sure was wonderful at the time. Took a few years of that madness to put me in hospital and when I came out after a not inconsiderable stay, I was miraculously cured of my excesses.
M&B brew 11. Springfield bitter.Highgate mild mixed with either of the other two

"Brew Eleven - for the men of the midlands...?" Is that stuff still available?

Never saw it down here (Kent), but we had our own bland brews to compete with it. (Maybe still do). :-?

The then SWMBO drank Snowballs or Liebfraumilch.....however did we survive..?
Red Barrel:doh::lol: Party sevens:lol: way back when, then onto-
Light and bitter or Youngs Ramrod and bitter.
Not really ever been one for drinking stuff out of the ordinary.

Started on lager in my yoof. Do remember the pub that we used to underage drink in did us some beer cocktails once the memorable one being something with Tia Maria, Guinness and something else in it, probably Vodka. Wasn't that bad really.

Moved to ale when I started Uni at the age of 18, they did a relatively decent pint of Directors in the Union and some nice guest beers from time to time. Quite a lot of the students were partial to the old Snakebite and Black though. Never really partook myself.

We did used to have odd trips out during the year to this cider house that was in a village one stop down the railway line from Uni. They used to sell these cider "cocktails" with silly names like Hand Grenade, Kamikaze, Scud Missile, etc. Flipping lethal stuff, the general consensus was that any more than 5 pints and you'd be breaking a record. I did 7 one night (silly), don't actually remember getting back to my room and there was a train journey in there somewhere :drunk:

Aside from that I actually don't mind a lager top or lager and lime on occasion and it's a good way to make cheap lager palatable.
"Brew Eleven - for the men of the midlands...?" Is that stuff still available?
No I think it went years ago. M&B are no longer a brewer but have morphed into a catering company of some sort.
At the time I think there was also a Brew 10 for northern drinkers.
The big brewers of the day seemed to have done this. Allied Breweries had Ansells Bittermen (Midlands) and Tetley Bittermen (North of England)
Those were the days :whistle:
"Brew Eleven - for the men of the midlands...?" Is that stuff still available?

Never saw it down here (Kent), but we had our own bland brews to compete with it. (Maybe still do). :-?

The then SWMBO drank Snowballs or Liebfraumilch.....however did we survive..?
Dunno,I think Corr's maybe brewing it,Blackpool had an M&B brew 10 back in the 70s,don't ask me what the difference was
'Snakebite' Bitter & Cider mixed
Some pubs would not sell it - calling it 'Looney Soup'
Well I was very young at the time (1970's)
mackeson and cider, light ale, mild and bitter, courage keg bitter, just to name a few
sorry forgot the party four
Lager and lime, could never drink that now.
Also in uni Guinness/Cider and blackcurrant - £1 a pint.
Another one...
Brown on Mild.
Which is effectively like mixing two drinks that taste pretty much the same !
So Manns Brown Ale (Manns is the Best Brown Ale, Best Brown Ale, Best Brown Ale, Best Brown Ale, Manns is the Best Brown Ale, let's have one now) on M&B Mild, or Ansells Mild.
When i helped behind the bar at our local sports club on busy Saturday afternoons i was once asked for a pint of mixed which turned out to be half bitter & half lager apparently also known as golden or Mickey Mouse.

A pint of mixed back home (Midlands), was always bitter and mild....

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