Sweetening Youngs Wine Kit

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2013
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I have recenlty bottled a Youngs Gooseberry Wine kit, I'm happy enough with the results, but the mrs would prefer it not so dry - alas I have lost the instructions that came with it with details of how to sweeten, can anyone help?

I don't have a hydrometer, is there a sweetener that someone could suggest, and is there a rule of thumb amount about how much to add to each bottle?

Thanks in advance
Assuming you have used Stabiliser the easy way to do it is to add sugar.
Pour half a litre of wine into a sterile measuring jug then add a quarter of a teaspoon of sugar stir and taste, keep going until you get to the requires sweetness, if for example it takes half a teaspoon to make the half litre drinkable you need to add one and a half teaspoons to each full 75ml bottle, i do this just before drinking as i don't like shaking the bottles then putting them back into storage.
You can also use an artificial sweetner particularly if you have not stabilized the wine with Potassium Sorbate and a Campden Tablet, again its a bit of suck it and see as suggested in an earlier post.