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Active Member
Mar 11, 2009
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Hi guys, I've been pretty quiet on here recently due to work and other home stuff taking priorities! Not that the brewing has suffered I just haven't had time to write up any brew day reports and take the photos. I've probably done another 6 kit brews since my last post but things are changing. I've decided to go Partial Extract so bought a 15ltr stainless stock pot off the bay of e. Nothing fancy but with a few tweaks will improve over time. I also took delivery of 2 recipe packs from Brewuk, Badgers Golden Glory and Way to Amarillo. I plan on doing my first PE brew in 2 weeks time as I need to bottle a tweaked kit this weekend to free up my FV. Really looking forward to the next step up and I'll keep you all posted.
it truly is so much more satisfying than kit, and your beers will be on another plane.
What I have noticed is that the gap (IMO) between partial mash and all grain is lesser than the gap between kit and partial. you'll be doing all the processes of ag, but just on a lesser scale.

if it wasn't for space and money I'd jump to AG now.

I'm sure you'll enjoy it. My advice would be to try a few single hop brews to get an idea of how different hops perform and taste. I know BrewUK stock a fair few around the £20 mark.

good luck :)
Thanks for the encouraging words Andy and Fil. I've procrastinated over where my brewing was going to go and as space and time are limited I can't go AG just yet. I decided on PE as it doesn't require much more equipment than I already have and the results are a significant step up from kits. Don't get me wrong, I love doing my kit brews and probably will continue with the odd few throughout the year for session ale's. I love tweaking kits with added DME/Brew Enhancer etc and i've dabbled with hop teas/infusions with Cascade and Amarillo so I feel prepared to take the next step.

With regard to the PE process, my only slight concern is the amount of steam I'm going to generate in the kitchen using the gas hob. We only have a filter hood not an extractor but I will have all the windows and doors open when brewing. Is there any benefit in buying an outdoor tripod type gas burner? I already have a gas BBQ with an almost full 10kg propane tank. Would I be able to utilise this?
fyi i brewed insid3 3 times, after the first i was banished to the patio. the 2nd was a sneaky when alone winter brew.

Both of these brews suffererd from excessive steam dripping off the cooker hood back into the boil (YUK!)

brew3 indoors was in the soon to be brewshed.

i positioned the boiler in the doorway, and stood a huge fan behind and blew the steam out of the door VERY SUCCESSFULLY ;)


andyakameatloaf said:
I don't really understand this worry about steam indoors that people have. Surely its no different than if you were to boil stock or cook a stovetop stew or soup etc? Or am I missing something?

ive boilled of 5l+ on a brewday, thats a lot of water vapour thats gonna condense indoors unless evacuated

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