Using Thin Bleach

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I have yet to have bottle of bleach unscrew it's own lid and throw itself in my face however!

Wasnt quite that bad, but last weekend I bought some bleach from ASDA and somehow the bleach had leaked from the bottle (although thekiddy proof top was still on securely). I picked up the bottle and put in my trolley then went to the next aisle to get something else. I then noticed my fingers were wet. Smelling them they of course smelt of bleach. I now had neat bleach on my hand. What followed me sprinting through asda dodging trolleys and kids to get to the toilet to rinse it off
.............. Unknown to me my housemate had left it loaded and cocked!!


Any male housemate of mine that did the same would suffer a severe nose-bleed the very second he came within range ...

... and then I would go and throw myself off a tall building for not having my gun securely locked to prevent other people from getting anywhere near it.

Back in the day when I owned rifles (a 30-06, a .243 and a .22) when not in use all the guns were kept in a locked cabinet in one room and the bolts and ammunition were kept in a locked safe in another room. The shotguns (2 x 12 bore) were likewise locked up and separated from their ammunition when not in use.

As I type this Post, my .22 CO2 Air Pistol is dismantled and in a safe; and the ammunition and CO2 capsules are in a locked cupboard in a different room.

We will never prevent ALL accidents but at least we can make it difficult for ourselves to commit the more obvious ones!

Rant over! :whistle:
Cheers Dutto,

It could have been a lot worse, and the gun went home to its owner post haste who was horrified and apologised swearing never to loan again..

As for the Numpty who left the gun loaded n cocked, He is one of the worlds lovable Idiots, if you know him you cant dislike him, and any tale of his cock ups never mind how outlandish can be taken as true cos only he could get into the messes he does.. He is the sort of chap your mrs wont let you play with.. You never lend him a tenner you give it him, since as soon as he has it he is paying someone else back.. Clear all his debts and give him £100 and he will be skint and in debt within an hour.

But he has the quickest razor sharp mostly malice free wit i have ever encountered.. and can have you in stitches in seconds..
Cheers Dutto,

It could have been a lot worse, and the gun went home to its owner post haste who was horrified and apologised swearing never to loan again..

As for the Numpty who left the gun loaded n cocked, He is one of the worlds lovable Idiots, if you know him you cant dislike him, and any tale of his cock ups never mind how outlandish can be taken as true cos only he could get into the messes he does.. He is the sort of chap your mrs wont let you play with.. You never lend him a tenner you give it him, since as soon as he has it he is paying someone else back.. Clear all his debts and give him ��£100 and he will be skint and in debt within an hour.

But he has the quickest razor sharp mostly malice free wit i have ever encountered.. and can have you in stitches in seconds..

Oh how I know the type! :thumb:

My mate Roy is AKA "Santa's Little Helper" for the same reasons ... :doh:

... but I wouldn't trust him near a water pistol! :whistle:
A quick PS on the shooting of people.

I was working with a mate on Forestry Protection work when a rabbit set off up a furrow and my mate shot it.

Completely freaky was that a single pellet from his 12 bore flew more or less at a right-angle from the barrel of his gun and hit me in the backside as I bent down to reach for my own weapon.

After much swearing, hopping about and describing the antecedents of my mate I dropped my trousers and discovered that the pellet had passed through my trousers and underpants before stopping just short of penetrating my skin!

It stung about three times worse than a wasp so, with much muttering, we went back to our work (which was gassing rabbits).

Within minutes, a second rabbit set off from the warren we were working on. As the rabbit set off my mate's Weimaraner dog set out after it and I quickly brought my gun up to my shoulder; to hear my mate shout "Mind the dog!"

"Mind the dog?" I thought, "Mind the f'ing dog?" It was apparently okay to shoot me up the Jacksie but "Mind the dog?" I didn't fire at the rabbit but I did say a few words to my mate! :whistle:

Happy Days! :thumb: :thumb:
The reason behind this is because its too strong. No matter how much you dilute bleach, it only takes one lapse of concentration and the next thing you know, people are dying. there was a recent case of a food shop owner who bought some concentrated vinegar, didnt tell his/her staff that it had to be "watered down", the staff used it "neat". Im not 100% sure but I think someone died and the owner went to prison. What I cant understand is the fact that some Home Brewers think that using bleach is OK (no matter how diluted it is). There are plenty of good sanitizers available, without resorting to bleach

most of the steralisers out there unless specific compounds are essentialy diluted bleach tho...