Wild Hops, tastes like cider

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May 5, 2009
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I found some hops growing wild along the river last September, so i picked them and made a SMaSH from them with the plan of picking a lot more next year of they were any good. I've just cracked open the first bottle and if i didn't know better if swear out was a cider (except for the head retention). Does anyone know of it's likely to be something wrong with this batch or of it's the hops. Of it's the hops, can anyone suggest what hops they could ? I know it's not too far away from an old brewery
31bb3 said:
How do you mean cider ? Is it acidic or citrusy ? It could be the type of hop
I mean that i had to double check what i was drinking to make sure it wasn't cider. It isn't acidic, but very appley, almost like a dry Bulmers

Slightly different but bizarre

I did a smash brew and used several different yeasts- including the yeast which was at the bottom of my cider- this was simply pressed apple juice from a tree and left to naturally ferment using the wild yeast.

Using that yeast in beer produced a brew that tasted exactly like cider.


Hmm :wha: i guess it could have been the yeast, i used S-04 that was reclaimed from my last batch of beer. It could have been infected.

It's very strange to drink cider-beer, takes me back to those snakebite student days. I wonder how it'll taste with a bit of blackcurrent juice :lol:
I recently used a reclaimed so4 and had the same thing. The yeast was previously used on a higher og beer and I over pitched it. The result was a lot of appley acetyl aldehyde.

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