Yes, Another Stalled Fermentation Thread!

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Apr 8, 2019
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So sorry to start up another thread on this. I have read through loads of previous ones giving plenty of advice on trying to get a stalled ferment going again but not sure what to do if an attempt to get it going again fails. I did a MYO Bitter kit from the Range. It was one of the older ones but the kit had a use by date of June 2020 so I thought it would be ok. I followed all the instructions, OG was 1.046, and then put it in the brew fridge at 20 degrees on 9th August and went on holiday for two weeks. I returned on 24th August and checked the SG to find it was only at 1.018. Two days later on 26th it was still at 1.018. I gave the whole thing a little stir with a sanitized stirrer and bumped the temperature up to 22 degrees but yesterday, 2nd September it was still at 1.018. I’ve gone ahead and dry hopped it with the supplied hops anyway and was planning to just go ahead and bottle it at the weekend. However, I just have a little concern that, if I’m right and it had stalled early, that the bottling process might wake stuff up again and produce a risk of bottle bombs. I’d be grateful for any advice please.
amylase arrived today. How much should I add to a 23 litre batch?


I just went for half a teaspoon of Amylase enzyme, a good stir and temperature up to 23 degrees Saturday lunchtime. Took another reading this evening. Ta da!

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