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    • Covrich
      Covrich replied to the thread European Championship.
      We are also pretty good at the cheddar gorge rolling world series
    • Covrich
      Covrich replied to the thread European Championship.
      Yeah we suck, but who else has won all of three of the football cricket and rugby world cups?
    • Covrich
      Covrich replied to the thread European Championship.
      I reckon if Kane was on the pitch this very second by himself. He'd still not get anywhere near the ball let alone score.
    • Covrich
      Covrich replied to the thread European Championship.
      Yep, so easy to fix. They just don't want too. I get it's part of the sport. But it's almost a fundamental component of it now. I'm...
    • Covrich
      Covrich replied to the thread European Championship.
      This is unfortunatley true, it is the way the game is. Players touched on shoulders hold their nose like they have been punched in the...
    • Covrich
      Covrich replied to the thread European Championship.
      France score a goal themselves
    • Covrich
      Covrich replied to the thread European Championship.
    • Covrich
      Covrich replied to the thread European Championship.
      I appreciate I am an eggchaser type , used to watch football loads when younger but fell out of love with it many years ago. however...
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