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    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread Brewing temperature.
      As an update, I bottled the IPA around the middle-ish of November. I had thought about drinking some of the bottles at Christmas, but I...
      • IMG_0127.jpeg
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread Red berry tea bag wine..
      I took them out after a short while. Hopefully it’ll add to the taste and not detract from it.
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread Red berry tea bag wine..
      As an update, I’m now having another bash at the tea bag wine, and this time I’m adding yeast nutrient to the demijohn. I’ve also added...
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread Red berry tea bag wine..
      Thank you, that’s wonderful advice. I’ll give it a go in the new year.
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 reacted to matt.'s post in the thread Red berry tea bag wine. with Like Like.
      Thanks. That's reassuring.
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread Red berry tea bag wine..
      The SG on mine was 1.100 so they’re similar.
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread Red berry tea bag wine..
      I did wonder about the nutrient, but decided to follow the instructions to the letter. I’ll probably try it again in the new year and...
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread Red berry tea bag wine..
      Tbh I’m not really sure. It could be that the heat mat I used may have kept the temperature a bit too high. There again, it fermented...
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread Red berry tea bag wine..
      I’m afraid I gave up. I tried the restart yeast and nothing happened, so I consigned it to the sink plughole. I don’t like giving up...
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread Red berry tea bag wine..
      Yes, that’s it in a nutshell. TBH, whilst I’ll be a bit disappointed if it fails, it’s not the end of the world. The one thing I like...
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread Red berry tea bag wine..
      Ah right. I’m still relatively new to this, so I just dissolved two teaspoons of sugar in boiling water, added the yeast, and then when...
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread Red berry tea bag wine..
      It does still taste sweet so I bought a re-start wine yeast and added it to the demijohn. We’ll see how it goes.
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread Red berry tea bag wine..
      It is high. I’m using a hydrometer and I’m at a loss to know why it’s still so high. It bubbled away for over 3 weeks, so I was...
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread Red berry tea bag wine..
      Thank you. I’m popping to the home brew shop tomorrow to see what they have.
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread Change one letter..
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