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    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 reacted to jof's post in the thread MYO Red wine kit with Like Like.
      2 week rule is for normal strength beer (usually advice given to beginners brewing from a can kit) It will be higher when you move to...
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 reacted to MashBag's post in the thread MYO Red wine kit with Like Like.
      Wines can have faults, that are perfectly OK and can be fixed. Please don't bin it just because you are not sure. You are better you...
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 reacted to old dog new tricks's post in the thread MYO Red wine kit with Like Like.
      I leave my wines for weeks yes in fact make that months when treated lol
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread MYO Red wine kit.
      I’m going to taste it again in a couple of days, to see what it’s like. If it’s palatable and not too sweet, I may very well bottle it...
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread MYO Red wine kit.
      At the risk of doing something daft, the wine now smells really nice. I’ve got two more days before I’ve got to bottle it, so I’ll taste...
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread MYO Red wine kit.
      I think you’re right, I also think I’ve made a schoolboy error by ending the fermentation too soon.
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread MYO Red wine kit.
      The thing is that it doesn’t taste sweet. It’s dry.
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread MYO Red wine kit.
      If I’m honest, it doesn’t smell right. I’ll add the finings B later and see how it is tomorrow. One of the reasons I asked for advice on...
    • GazzaW57
      GazzaW57 replied to the thread MYO Red wine kit.
      I think it’s okay. It tastes on the dry side, and the smell isn’t too bad. I’ve added the stabiliser and finings A, so we’ll see how it...
    • GazzaW57
      I started off a red wine kit from the Range last Monday and checked it for the first time today. The SG was 1080 and the reading today...
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