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    • jambop
      jambop reacted to Rodcx500z's post in the thread Hop mashing with Like Like.
      Hang on a minute who is complaining i was just saying i don't get it. it's a hobby not the best brewer in the world compatition, you...
    • jambop
      jambop replied to the thread Hop mashing.
      Well to be honest if my bottled beer does change over the course of say six weeks it really is not something I would notice, unless it...
    • jambop
      jambop replied to the thread Hop mashing.
      I asked simply to find out if people did this and why they did it. You say it makes no difference to the flavour of the beer it is more...
    • jambop
      jambop reacted to Rodcx500z's post in the thread Hop mashing with Like Like.
      Personally i find all this a load of old tosh, i base this on the fact that all this experiment malarky is a waste of good grain and...
    • jambop
      jambop replied to the thread Hop mashing.
      I think you are missing a huge point here. Blind testing is about taste not preconcieved notions. What you are saying is if I believe...
    • jambop
      jambop replied to the thread Hop mashing.
      To be fair perhaps an exaggeration on my part one beer had twice the IBU of the other. The thing is regardless of whether you are an...
    • jambop
      jambop replied to the thread Hop mashing.
      Brulosophy did a real world experiment involving hopping of beer. Not a science based one using very sophisticated laboratory equipment...
    • jambop
      jambop reacted to An Ankoù's post in the thread Hop mashing with Haha Haha.
      You're right. It's Haile Selassie's birthday on Tuesday so I'll dedicate the day to rolling up my hops and dusting off my Roots...
    • jambop
      jambop replied to the thread Hop mashing.
      An Ankoù ... Nah smoke them they should be good to go now 😂
    • jambop
      jambop reacted to An Ankoù's post in the thread Hop mashing with Haha Haha.
      Notwithstanding the aforemention. I have two 500g bags of leaf (no, not that leaf, regrettably) one each of French Fuggles and French...
    • jambop
      jambop replied to the thread Hop mashing.
      Having worked in scientific research for 35 years I know there is a mountain of total ******** out there and some genuine research...
    • jambop
      jambop reacted to micklupulo's post in the thread Hop mashing with Like Like.
      Wow my query looks pathetically simple in this debate which has morphed from.brewing science to philosophy!
    • jambop
      jambop replied to the thread Hop mashing.
      Home brewing is not a hobby... it simply has to be a science! Home brewing the new HiFi spend a shed load on trying to achieve something...
    • jambop
      jambop replied to the thread Hop mashing.
      Would you like a chip? ... Nah you have a bag of them already!
    • jambop
      jambop replied to the thread Grainfather Electric Grain Mill.
      I can see both sides here. The thing is someone has to do the grain crushing and their service does not come free.
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