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    • jambop
      jambop reacted to Rodcx500z's post in the thread 27L Fermzilla 3.2 fermenter with Like Like.
      I had 2 and never had a problem
    • jambop
      jambop replied to the thread 27L Fermzilla 3.2 fermenter.
      Interesting I looked at that but was worries about the wieght of the vessel with the wort but then remember I can pump the wort into the...
    • jambop
      jambop reacted to Brew_DD2's post in the thread 27L Fermzilla 3.2 fermenter with Like Like.
      I'd seriously consider the all-rounder. I have both, and never use the standard Fermzilla now. The bottom collection is more hassle than...
    • jambop
      OK so my curiosity has been peaked by this fermenter and oxygen free brewing. Having just invested in corny kegs I am now seriously on...
    • jambop
      jambop reacted to MashBag's post in the thread BS or fact? with Like Like.
      The facts alone are right. Fermenter shade makes a difference (but not in a few gallon imo) PET and more so HDPE are oxygen...
    • jambop
      jambop reacted to Agentgonzo's post in the thread BS or fact? with Like Like.
      In defence of brulosophy, they have NEVER said this is proof of anything. They are very careful to say so and go to great lengths to...
    • jambop
      jambop replied to the thread BS or fact?.
      I worked in Pharma research in a study there would be thousands of participants, different thing right enough but to get a true idea of...
    • jambop
      Watched a Brulosophy vid last night which was testing the shape and material a fermeter was made of verses the taste of the beer . They...
    • jambop
      jambop reacted to JockyBrewer's post in the thread Corny kegs... again with Like Like.
      Some of the converted pin lock kegs have posts with two o-rings. No idea why, but it is ‘normal’. They can be tough to get the...
    • jambop
      Hi I bought a reconditioned keg and to be honest it is nearly as good from the outside as a new keg... should have taken advice and...
    • jambop
      jambop replied to the thread Belgomalt malts.
      I went to the Soufflet website to look for info on their malts. The site is not very informative in that respect but filled with lots of...
    • jambop
      jambop reacted to Northern_Brewer's post in the thread Belgomalt malts with Like Like.
      It's probably because you're in "business" mode rather than "personal" mode. Just because it's Baird's doesn't mean it's a) Scottish or...
    • jambop
      The reason for the pressure is to make sure the lid of the keg is properly seated and not leaking. With regards to the Oxygen I honestly...
    • jambop
      jambop replied to the thread Belgomalt malts.
      Yes it is another chilly one today -4C Still lets be positive I did not have to switch the fridge on to cold crash my best bitter ...
    • jambop
      jambop reacted to Wynne's post in the thread Belgomalt malts with Haha Haha.
      -5c in 45 too.
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