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    • J
      Jason s replied to the thread Game changer.
      I have no problems with head retention using the dishwasher, just give a quick rinse before sanitising on bottleing day. I thought I'd...
    • J
      Jason s replied to the thread Game changer.
      Steam will get up inside the bottle. So there getting cleaned and sterilised.
    • J
      Jason s replied to the thread Game changer.
      I just rinse the bottles out after pouring with warm water. Stick your finger in the top and give it a good shake. Then into the...
    • J
      Jason s replied to the thread Game changer.
      The drainer
      • 20240504_155432.jpg
    • J
      Just thought I'd share this drainer that I picked up in robert days. I hate bottleing up what I have left over after transfering into a...
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