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  1. Minder

    Wilko IPA tweak

    Thanks Pavros, I'll go with those measurements and will update as I go.
  2. Minder

    Wilko IPA tweak

    Thanks aw72, that's my next plan is to do part grain whilst saving up to go biab. I bought 25g hop tea pellet bags from crossmyloof I'm thinking 25g hop tea of fuggles in one 10l and the same of cascade in the other at bottling time. Does that sound too much?
  3. Minder

    Wilko IPA tweak

    Great, thanks for you comments all. I may split the batch and do a hop tea at bottling, using both hops, at least I'll get an idea of the difference in flavours
  4. Minder

    Wilko IPA tweak

    Thanks for that Drankula, so basically adding more malt flavour dumbing down the hops in the kit? You'd go cascade over fuggles?
  5. Minder

    Win a Kit of your Choice from LoveBrewing

    I'd love to try the Titanic porter. Thanks.
  6. Minder

    Wilko IPA tweak

    Thanks jof, my phone doesn't like anything I type either lol. How much would you add? The Wilko IPA is nice with the added spray malt, but doesn't have a great aroma or hoppy flavour for me. Two of my favourite hoppy ales are T.E.A and dark Star hop head.
  7. Minder

    Wilko IPA tweak

    Hi all, I've just started a Wilko IPA kit, added 1kg muntons beer enhancer plus 500g light spray malt (this is the 3rd one I've made) I'm going to add some hops, I was thinking 50g of fuggles as I like the flavour and aroma of hogsback T.E.A. I'm not expecting it to taste the same but do you all...
  8. Minder

    Sugar mistake

    Great advice thanks again.
  9. Minder

    Sugar mistake

    It does yes, I was worried in case it doesn't work well enough, I've heard other people saying they dont trust them .
  10. Minder

    Sugar mistake

    Thank you for your replies, thats a great way of saving the beer . I was thinking I might have to throw it . How would I tell if it's ready to prime again? Thanks again .
  11. Minder

    Sugar mistake

    Hi all, I'm new to home brewing and have just transferred my second batch (IPA) to my king keg pressure barrel . On looking through forums I've realised that I've added 300g of sugar, not sure where my head was whilst adding that amount . What is my best plan to stop anything exploding? Thanks