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    • Nicks90
      Nicks90 replied to the thread Electric cars..
      Have a look at the Tesla subscription so you can use Tesla's SC network. Not all sites are opened up to other manufacturers, but worth...
    • Nicks90
      Nicks90 replied to the thread Electric cars..
      Just a bit! Well to bring it sorted of back on topic, this weekends weather warning doesn't faze me, as we can always gather around our...
    • Nicks90
      Nicks90 replied to the thread Electric cars..
      Quoting your message, but also applies to any other about hydrogen. Ignoring the obvious issues of energy efficiency and cost - the main...
    • Nicks90
      Nicks90 replied to the thread Electric cars..
      We're looking at this wrong though. A new ford escort in 1995 was £10k, that's £26k in today's money. Now look at the tech difference on...
    • Nicks90
      Nicks90 replied to the thread Electric cars..
      Tesla model 3 was first released 7 years ago, and whilst yes the model 3 isn't a cheap city runabout, the battery chemistry and battery...
    • Nicks90
      Nicks90 replied to the thread Electric cars..
      Not this old chestnut again. Tell me again how much a typical 2.0l turbo diesel new engine in a 10 year old BMW, Merc, VW, ford, JLR...
    • Nicks90
      Nicks90 replied to the thread Electric cars..
      But you don't need 400 mile range. Case in point is tomorrow, I am driving from South Leeds to Maidenhead and back in one day to see a...
    • Nicks90
      You mean you don't just pick the kettle up and empty the whole thing? I shake it like it's owes me money just to get the last drops out...
    • Nicks90
      The vast majority of fermentation will have finished by day 3 (usually), and after that - even at lower temps - there's so much yeast in...
    • Nicks90
      No, I'm just tight. The last really soupy dregs from the kettle get poured in to a clean 2l pop bottle and left overnight, so I can...
    • Nicks90
      Nicks90 replied to the thread Sugar Wine aka. kilju.
      It's Finland, the place where they'll drink anything to get wrecked during the winter months. I've had kilju before, but made with a few...
    • Nicks90
      Nicks90 replied to the thread Red berry tea bag wine..
      You could try dissolving 100g granulated sugar into some boiled water with a good dose of yeast nutrient and once it's cooled gently...
    • Nicks90
      Nicks90 replied to the thread Nicks90's Brewdays.
      My next brew is going to be a saison, but a question for the masses I have about 500gm of strawberries in the freezer, if I do a simple...
    • Nicks90
      Nicks90 replied to the thread Snow??.
      Quite a lot here in Yorkshire! About an inch on the roof and maybe half inch on the path and road
    • Nicks90
      Nicks90 replied to the thread Nicks90's Brewdays.
      I've not tasted it yet! It's my advent calendar for December, so whilst I say stocks are now at zero, I don't count that one...
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