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    • Omega
      Omega replied to the thread Electric cars..
      If you want wind turbine, then let me know and I will introduce you to Ripple Energy - we both should get some money off. It is not as...
    • Omega
      Omega reacted to old dog new tricks's post in the thread Electric cars. with Like Like.
      Whilst I do not disagree with anything said in the video and I fully accept the environmental damage caused by mining the batteries I...
    • Omega
      Omega replied to the thread Electric cars..
      Found at least bizarre, article that shows how easy it is to bend the truth The truth is that...
    • Omega
      Omega replied to the thread Making normal strength wine?.
      Sounds like a great idea. I sometimes wonder how come I have not thought about it? I will do it next time How is acidity of the wine...
    • Omega
      Omega reacted to Supersocks's post in the thread Making normal strength wine? with Like Like.
      I make my wine kits up to 21 litres instead of the 23 they are supposed to be as I find them a bit meh otherwise, I guess that's another...
    • Omega
      Omega replied to the thread Making normal strength wine?.
      Thank you - I will try Winebuddy kits next time, it is time for me to buy some
    • Omega
      Omega reacted to Chippy_Tea's post in the thread Making normal strength wine? with Like Like.
      We have made loads of Winebuddy kits as it says below "Equivalent to commercial wine at approx 11% ABV" I seem to remember reading it...
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